custom traktor controller with internal 7" vga screen mod - Page 4
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  1. #31
    Tech Convert
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    Jun 2009


    this is the 7 inch lcd touch screen I got for my vci-100 mod

    this thing is cool...
    it plug to my laptop by VGA & usb
    one thing I love is the P.C audio inputs by RCA
    so I can plug my Edirol fa-66 sound card out-put ( 3 & 4 for my headphono's ) into the P.C audio in-puts on the Screen and then plug my headphonos to the top off the LCD sreen by the mini headphonos jack & control the volume for the headphonos by the screen
    I have set the touch screen to control my laptop not the a big mouse pad

    nice & small....& cheep at $200
    turntable case to fit the new VCI-100 body......$ 140
    this weekend I pick up my innofader crossfader for the mod.... for $ 220
    next week ( pay day ) I will get the DJTT arcade buttons kit....$ 43 when I open my paypal account

    then I can start to cut up my vci
    Last edited by wazza; 07-29-2009 at 07:21 AM.

  2. #32


    DAMN! Nice to see some progression on this. I like the new change on your monitor. A touch screen will fill in all those gaps of non-midi assigned function. I know I still have to touch my mouse pad at least 2-5 times every gig. To searches or something. Keep it going, can't wait to see a video demo.
    SyblingQ - Electro House for dark alleys.

  3. #33
    Tech Guru MiL0's Avatar
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    Brighton / Bangkok


    Clone Thing by Spinor

    "How to use it?

    You see a list with regions to clone (initially it is empty). Below the list there are some fields to enter new regions.

    1. Enter the name of the window you want to clone, but instead of taking the full name in the title bar, just use the first 10 characters. Alternatively select the name from the list of all currently visible windows by clicking the 'Select Name From List' button.

    2. Then enter the coordinates of the source region. These are the top-left X and Y position followed by the width and the height of the region (so not the bottom-left X and Y position!). You can use the included program, "AU3_Spy" to give you the precise co-ordinates of where the mouse pointer currently is.

    3. Finally enter the coordinates of the destination window. Again, the first two are the top-left X and Y coordinates. The second are the target width and height. Press 'Add' to add the region to the list.

    Repeat 1-3 until you specified all the regions Then press 'Go' and the windows will open. Right-click the windows to unlock them so you can resize them.

    You have to make sure the windows you clone are actually visible on the screen or else it won't work."

    You can use (ctrl+alt+shift + F1/F2/F3/.../F12) to toggle the windows on and off temporarily.
    Last edited by MiL0; 08-02-2009 at 07:34 PM.

  4. #34
    Tech Guru MiL0's Avatar
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    Brighton / Bangkok


    first post updated with download link and instructions

  5. #35

  6. #36
    Tech Mentor kaleaf's Avatar
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    Santa Cruz, CA


    itx board on sale for 50 (35 after rebate)

  7. #37
    Tech Guru MiL0's Avatar
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    Brighton / Bangkok


    Quote Originally Posted by kaleaf View Post

    itx board on sale for 50 (35 after rebate)
    nice one - that's pretty cheap

    anyone know how a dualcore atom would do for running Traktor 3?

    This looks pretty decent:

    would fit nicely into a flightcase with a USB screen and a midi controller.

  8. #38
    Tech Guru
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    i would assume it could deal with 2 decks and a bit of FX .. the main issue will probably be memory ..

    btw .. this is some what related
    Traktor Pro 2.5.0, Mixxx 1.9.1, Massive, Ableton Live 8
    MBP 15" 8GB RAM OS 10.7.4, Audio Kontrol 1, Audio 2 DJ, Sennheiser HD-25 II
    DJTT VCI-100SE Arcade, Akai LDP8, M-Audio Pro Keystation 88, Novation Launchpad, iTM DJ | | | digitaldj planet | digitaldj music

  9. #39
    Tech Mentor kaleaf's Avatar
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    Santa Cruz, CA


    MiL0, sup

    I posted that board because in your op you said you were looking at itx mb's. The board I linked is lga-775 for core 2 desktop chips. I dont think the atom would be worth it because the desktop chips are cheap enough and many times faster.

    also the link I gave you is outdated now but there is newer boards from them on newegg
    Last edited by kaleaf; 09-03-2009 at 04:39 AM.

  10. #40
    Tech Guru Archies'bald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaleaf View Post
    MiL0, sup

    I posted that board because in your op you said you were looking at itx mb's. The board I linked is lga-775 for core 2 desktop chips. I dont think the atom would be worth it because the desktop chips are cheap enough and many times faster.

    also the link I gave you is outdated now but there is newer boards from them on newegg
    I was going to use something along these lines for my project, but the spare parts I had lying around were for IDE connections only.

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