smart mixing - how to reduce bass whilst moving cross fader
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  1. #1
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default smart mixing - how to reduce bass whilst moving cross fader

    Ive searched the site on this but cant find anything (i tried eq modifiers fader as a search term but didnt find what i was lookig for)

    When i press my modifier#1 button i want to reduce the bass on deck A as i bring in deck b.

    How do you do this? Ive used modifiers to double up button functions but this seems a little more involved. Ean mentions this is possible in smart mixing blog post but doesnt explain how.

    can anyone help?

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Melbourne Australia


    Should work something like this (though I'm not at home to test):

    Controls on knob:
    EQ Bass Deck A
    EQ Bass Deck B, with invert ticked.

    Further I'd look at using soft take over on them so you don't get any weird snapping, but test that it works before going soft take over as it could cause issues. And maybe set it at a relative knob... Actually yes I'm pretty sure setting it as a relative knob would be best you'll need to fiddle with the sensitivity though to get it right. Don't forget to turn off soft take over when you set to relative

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