Help needed: how to map tempo fader, bpm reset, etc on Kontrol F1?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Help needed: how to map tempo fader, bpm reset, etc on Kontrol F1?

    Hey all,

    Been working on a custom mapping for my Kontrol F1 for about 2 weeks now. Got a lot of questions answered myself, but I've been stuck on these for days and cant seem to figure them out.

    TSP 2.6 on Macbook Pro run 10.8.6 - 2.4Ghz core 2 duo, 8Gb ram, internal SSD, external 2TB firewire
    NI Kontrol Z2
    NI Kontrol F1
    sandwiched between 2 technic 1200's

    Mappings for the Kontrol F1 I'd like to implement:

    Fader 1: adjust bpm +/- of deck A just like the pitch control on my 1200's
    Fader 2: adjust pitch +/- of deck A if keylock is disabled
    Fader 3: adjust bpm +/- of deck B just like the pitch control on my 1200's
    Fader 4: adjust pitch +/- of deck B if keylock is disabled

    Pad 1: reset deck A bpm to original value (if song is gridded at 160bpm, set to 160bpm)
    Pad 2: toggle deck A keylock on/off (keylock as I understand it keeps song at original pitch regardless of bpm)
    Pad 3: reset deck B bpm to original value (if song is gridded at 160bpm, set to 160bpm)
    Pad 4: toggle deck B keylock on/off (keylock as I understand it keeps song at original pitch regardless of bpm)

    if someone could explain to me how to accomplish this step by step, it would def make my christmas a lot more merry

  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    First step is creating a toggle modifier. Knowing Traktor didn't have a keylock as a modifier option you need to map one modifier to your button and set it to act as a switch that toggle's between two values or in this case a two mappable positions.

    Map both to the same button

    Add in Modifier 1
    Modifier conditions / M1=0
    Type of controller-button
    Interaction mode-direct
    Set to value-1

    Add in Modifier 1
    Modifier conditions / M1=1
    Type of controller-button
    Interaction mode-direct
    Set to value-0

    If you try it out your modifier should exchange it's value between 0 and 1. You can test this out by assigning LED output of that modifier or by looking in little modifier slots in controller manager (8 of them).

    Next step, add this to the same button:

    Add in > Track Deck > Keylock On
    Modifier conditions / M1=0
    Type of controller-button
    Interaction mode-direct
    Set to value-1

    Add in > Track Deck > Keylock On
    Modifier conditions / M1=1
    Type of controller-button
    Interaction mode-direct
    Set to value-0

    By now you will have your working keylock switch relying of modifier. Now add second modifier and create another toggle switch for your deck B. Let me know if that ring the bell. Part two would be mapping those faders but let me know when you have first part assigned correct so I can move to tempo.

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