Ableton VS Logic VS Reason VS FL Studio
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  1. #1
    Tech Student Nabu's Avatar
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    Default Ableton VS Logic VS Reason VS FL Studio

    Hey everybody,

    I have a question about what DAW I should use... I have been producing for about a year on FL Studio 9 and I really like everything about it. I just recently got a Mac Book, however, and I feel like it is time to step my game up. A few of my producer friends have Ableton Live and they really like it. I have used it a few times, and it is very frustrating compared to FL's interface lol, not to mention is fairly expensive. I believe that garageband is somewhat similar to Logic Pro, only Logic Pro is much better. I plan on buying an Akai Professional MPK25 Midi Keyboard in the near future as well. With all of this in mind, what do you think my next DAW purchase should be? I love the FL interface and how everything is just a click away, but I know that my production could be taken to the next level with a better DAW. Thank you in advanced for all the helpful feedback!


    P.S. Please feel free to listen to my music on Soundcloud!

  2. #2


    Ableton Live is closest to the FL experience. It should not take you long to learn it. Logic is a more traditional DAW which is excellent and for $199 at Mac app store a no-brainer to purchase.
    Contact me if you have a cool musical idea. @kentsandvik

  3. #3
    Tech Student Nabu's Avatar
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    Thank you! I will keep that in mind.

  4. #4
    Tech Guru Tarekith's Avatar
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    I believe the MPK even comes with a lite version of Ableton Live too. That said, I personally think Reason probably comes closest to FL in terms of workflow, but it also doesn't add as much as a full on audio DAW like Live.

  5. #5
    Tech Mentor epikeddie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ksandvik View Post
    Ableton Live is closest to the FL experience. It should not take you long to learn it. Logic is a more traditional DAW which is excellent and for $199 at Mac app store a no-brainer to purchase.
    How so? I've used both and don't see how the workflow can be considered similar.....
    A&H Xone DB4 l (2) Traktor Kontrol X1 MK2 l Maschine MK2 l Traktor Scratch Pro l Ableton
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  6. #6
    Tech Student Nabu's Avatar
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    If it helps at all, I have been using Garage Band and am starting to figure it out pretty easily. Well, the basics anyway. Have no idea on how to master things very well. Is Garage Band pretty similar to logic? How do you do automation in garageband?

  7. #7
    Tech Mentor BlackJesus's Avatar
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    Ableton has a very modular workflow. I wouldn't doubt you could make it work to suite your needs. It's what I use and it suites me just fine although I'll say that I prefer pro tools for recording live instruments and vocals. But that's mostly because I am fortunate enough to have very kind friends with very nice pro-tools studios.
    Reason is something I would suggest to help bridge someone over to DAW's if all they have worked with is analog equipment.
    My buddy uses Logic for producing house and BROstep and likes it very much but I haven't tried it myself.
    Never really looked into FL Studio

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nabu View Post
    Hey everybody,
    I love the FL interface and how everything is just a click away,but I know that my production could be taken to the next level with a better DAW.
    That's a highly ignorant statement.

  9. #9
    Tech Mentor BlackJesus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snoemu5a View Post
    That's a highly ignorant statement.
    So you're just going to bump this thread to criticize the guy and not even give him a reason why?

  10. #10
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    It's not a bump when it's already at the top of the list. And I criticized a statement he made, not him as a person.

    If you want a tip, OP, sell that macbook, and spend the money on a proper audio interface for your PC and stick with FL Studio as you already know it somewhat. I've been through many DAW's, but I always go back to FL Studio. And you're music won't be any better by changing DAW, in fact, it'd be worse as you are starting nearly from scratch again. Loads of pro's use FL Studio, don't believe the retards that will claim it has an 'inferior audio engine' etc. They simply don't know what they are talking about.

    The only way you'll take your productions to the next level is by working hard and get to know the DAW inside/out. I've been using FL since it was called FruityLoops. Version 2.something. That's nearly thirteen years ago, and I STILL don't know every function FL does.

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