APC40 Knob LED Updating and Stickiness
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    Tech Wizard
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    Feb 2012

    Default APC40 Knob LED Updating and Stickiness

    As the title says, I am having difficulty keeping updated without the stickiness factor. For those who don't know what I mean, the stickiness occurs when, lets say the gain knob is near zero and it takes an acceleration force to get it below or above 0 to keep it from drifting back.

    So it seems to have all stemmed from the need update the knobs. In my case I have one of the track selector bank knobs as a gain and one of the upper knobs as a gain too, so I can move back and forth between decks in an efficient fashion.

    Updating knobs is a must so I put 2 outputs on each of the knob (+8 CC and +0 CC). The bottom knob moves with the top, the top doesn't move with the bottom (it would result in stickiness for the top).

    However the sticky knob appears from the output from the +0 CC. where midi range is 0,127.

    The upper knob is modified with a return hold and the bottom knob is unmodified at this point because when modified it would revert to a spot different to what it was (probably since the hold revert isn't attached to it and can't b/c it would affect the rest of the setup.)

    At this point I'll take the lesser of two evils and have one sticky knob and two updating, instead of two stick and both updating, or no sticky and none updating.

    Any outside ideas or thoughts on how to bypass this or get rid of the stickiness would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: Tinkered a little more, forgot about relative interaction mode. I chose 93%/3% it fits pretty well so far. Catastrophe avoided!
    Last edited by Souvlaki; 04-25-2012 at 11:07 PM.

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