Hacking the S4 Firmware???
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard Parker Chase's Avatar
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    Default Hacking the S4 Firmware???

    We have some brilliant people in this community that I've grown to love. An engineer myself and after seeing the amazing work on the VCI-100 firmware to increase the jog wheel resolution in 1.4 I have to ask..... does anyone know how to modify the Kontrol S4 firmware?

    Ultimately what I would like to do is modify the S4 firmware so that it sends both Midi and NHL protocol at the same time. Or if it's easier....modify the faders so that they send Midi while the rest of the device sends NHL.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    I would like to see it display loop count while in midi mode.
    Chris Jennings FHP

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  3. #3
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
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    I'm VERY interested in the progress of this.

  4. #4
    DJTT Scribe Mod smiTTTen's Avatar
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    Now THIS is where the forum gets really interesting Certainly a step up from a post on the NI forum asking why his headphones wouldn't fit the headphone socket.....

    Having said that, I have no constructive advice but I do know a guy who is a firmware guru and i will send him this thread (though right now he probably thinks an S4 is an Audi)
    Beats By Dre is like audio flu for your balls.

  5. #5
    Tech Guru
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    That would be awesome, think about how creative the mappings can get!
    Traktor Scratch Pro, Ableton Live 8, MacBook Pro 13'', Traktor Kontrol S4, Traktor Kontrol X1, , Midifighter, NI Audio 6 DJ, HDJ-2000 Headphones, UDG Producer Bag.
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  6. #6
    Tech Guru Yul's Avatar
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    yeah void the warranty!
    Kidding aside, could be cool. I sent a ticket recently to NI asking why HID doesn't allow knobs and faders to be set up as buttons (ie is it a technical issue or is it a conscious choice from them). I hope to receive an answer soon or at least a bit of insight on that.

    I know I'm repeating myself but who cares, here's what would make the S4/Traktor really interesting in HID mode.
    - generic led output to have a led to blink (and not something related to any phase monitor or volume)
    - allow knobs and faders to be set up as button
    - allow mapping of the loop length display.

    Please NI, make my day....

  7. #7
    Tech Wizard Parker Chase's Avatar
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    Thanks for pulling your buddy into the loop. I just thought of a friend that might be useful as well. He normally designs missile guidance systems but tweaking a little controller code might be up his alley.


    My warranty is already voided. lol I had to take her apart to see if I could fit some arcade buttons and a new crossfader in there. NI's a little sneaky in their sticker placement over the screws

    What frustrates me the most is that I can't map the faders in Ableton while using the S4 in NHL mode. I miss my smartmixer and post fader effects but if I remap everything in midi then I loose the nice jogs for scratching and LED feedback. I could deal with the lack of pretty lights (although I do like them) but I can't map the jogs to be accurate enough to scratch. I know you're a mapping guru so maybe you can help.

    I can map them as:

    Scratch On (Hold) & Scratch (Encoder)
    It works but the pickup is too slow from release to juggle or perform advanced scratches.

    Scratch On (Hold) & Jog Scratch + Temp Bend

    The jogs/pickup feel much better but the deck will start playing while I'm still holding the jog wheel down.

    I've tried changing a few things in the controller editor but I just can't figure it out.

    The rest of the custom mapping I think is doable to create a mapping similar to the VCI's.

    As a side note I modified your juggle mode mapping to use 4 decks and could post it if you don't mind. Figured I would ask because you definitely did the heavy lifting in my mapping.

  8. #8
    Tech Guru Yul's Avatar
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    As a side note I modified your juggle mode mapping to use 4 decks and could post it if you don't mind. Figured I would ask because you definitely did the heavy lifting in my mapping.
    Do whatever you want to do, I don't own anything and certainly don't mind. It's cool you used it a base to do your own actually. Did you overcome the issue about the duplicate decks functions? I didn't do any mapping since I posted that.

    As for your mapping question(s) , I can't really help you right now, I didn't have all notions about mapping jogwheels in my head and would need a s4 with me to try (not available right now). I'm sure someone else passing by will help you (instead of me telling you stupid things).
    As a side note, I have/had issues with the controller editor so I'll read with interest.

    And I understand now the logic of wanting both midi and hid at the same time.
    Last edited by Yul; 05-13-2011 at 12:10 PM.

  9. #9
    Tech Mentor
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    I think one of the best things we can add, is the ability to have the faders and knobs send a CC when they reach the end. I use to have my whoosh mapping set up like this. Shift and volume fader down turns on the effect and brings it in, and when the fader slammed to the bottom it would echo out the tune. Flawless.

  10. #10
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yul View Post
    - allow knobs and faders to be set up as button
    - allow mapping of the loop length display.
    Quote Originally Posted by armyofme4340 View Post
    the ability to have the faders and knobs send a CC when they reach the end.
    If I could just have these I would be very happy. If one I suppose making knobs and faders as buttons would be my number one pick.
    Chris Jennings FHP

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