padkontrol mapping
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  1. #1
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default padkontrol mapping

    hi all - a friend of mine just passed on his padkontrol to me and i've been trying to map it to traktor pro 2 for a while but im having some major issues.

    firstly - i cant setup a modifier. i followed the guide available on the site but still cant get it to work. ive tried the button programs as momentary and toggle but neither do the job.

    i basically want a modifier to delete hot cues - otherwise i'll have to use a scene to just delete hot cue which would suck!

    the second issue is with LEDS, no matter what i do i cant map those either! ive looked over the guide on the site as a reference and im following it to the letter but still nothing! all the lights are just on permanently and go off when i press the pad buttons. it was the opposite when the pad was set up in "note" mode rather than "cc" which his how i currently have it set up.

    im on a windows based machine so farmpad is not an option unfortunately. any ideas are appreciate - i'll be more than happy to share my mapping once its complete. i'll have a few scenes for performance like hot cue, controlling sample decks and a few scenes for prep like setting up beatgrids and so on.

  2. #2

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