[windows] My S4 Diary: Prepping for and setting up my S4 - Page 15
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  1. #141


    How then, do you explain that the CPU spiking disappears as soon as the NI unit is disconnected from the computer? To me it seems very wrong .... without the unit connected my CPU performance reads about 5% max .... after reconnecting the NI unit the CPU load would spike to 50%+ (as soon as I engaged the NI drivers) and continue until I physically disconnected it. I'm fairly certain your system would not be spiking without the S4 connected ... out of curiosity would you care to test that?

    I've never seen this behaviour with any other hardware. It seems totally wrong ... and unique to NI hardware/drivers. Little wonder the system was prone to dropouts and glitches ... the CPU struggling even with the software sitting idle.

  2. #142
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    3 year necro bump...nice...
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
    Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal

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