Cannot change Settings of Midifighter 3D?
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  1. #1

    Default Cannot change Settings of Midifighter 3D?

    I can't seem to adjust the settings of a MidiFighter 3D. Did something change with the software? some windows update? So strange... If I recall you should be able to adjust the outgoing/incoming midi message of each button. did that change?

    Lost. Please Send Help
    Last edited by kirkwoodwest; 12-31-2023 at 02:45 PM. Reason: I have 101 degree fever and mispelled a lot of shit. Doing some midi controller maintanence with the little energy i have left.

  2. #2


    I plugged in a spectra and the same issue. On the twister I can access each knob and change its settings. it just seems to be an issue with the Midifighters. I'm on windows 10.

  3. #3
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by kirkwoodwest View Post
    I plugged in a spectra and the same issue. On the twister I can access each knob and change its settings. it just seems to be an issue with the Midifighters. I'm on windows 10.
    Hey Kirkwood,

    Spectra, 3D and 64 are not capable of reconfiguring channel and note numbers by default. As a work around, you could introduce MIDI-OX (freeware Windows based app) to help with converting original MIDI messages.

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