Controllers clashing channels - Ableton/traktor Bomes
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
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    Allauch, France

    Default Controllers clashing channels - Ableton/traktor Bomes


    I'm encountering problems with my controllers; inside of traktor its all fine but when I load my trakton (ableton+traktor) set, it starts to drive me crazy, controllers controlling/clashing each other because mapped on same channel. I Mean Controllers mapped for Ableton interfering with traktor

    How can I route bomes/configure ableton so that it acts like inside of traktors controller manager: everything is just smooth and controllers stick to their fuckn map

    Last edited by trabz; 03-18-2020 at 04:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Tech Guru Patch's Avatar
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    Bristol, UK


    You can use Bomes to set up translators to change the midi channel that a Midi signal gets sent on post-Bomes MT.

    If you’re using multiple mappings in Traktor (1 for each controller?), then Traktor is performing the “filtering” of midi signals in the individual mappings. So you’ll need to set something similar up for Live (via Bomes).

    The problem you’re gonna run into is the signal routing. You’ll need to set it up to go Controller > Bomes MT > (Change midi channel for one controller) > Software.

    I haven’t used Bomes for years, but it should be straight forwards.

    Also, have you tried disabling midi OUT for both of the controllers in Live?
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  3. #3
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Allauch, France


    Hi Patch thank for your respond, the goal was not to change the channels because I use more than 5 controllers so I wanted to save some time but well I gave up and edited channels and re-midi learned everything..

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