The Rules --- Very Important Read! (UPDATE 9/19/2015)
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  1. #1
    DJTT Ninja Mod tekki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Afterhour Ali's lap

    Exclamation The Rules --- Very Important Read! (UPDATE 9/19/2015)

    We of DJ Techtools value all the musical endeavors you are part of. We even like for you to share this with our community.
    To do this properly we are offering some guidelines in which we hope you will be able to get your message across.

    Please abide to the following guidelines:


    Use a proper prefix.
    The prefix is an easy way to get your targeted audience to your musical project.
    If you are posting a DJ set that contains multiple genres, just use the one genre that mainlines your DJ set.

    Create a proper title.
    "Leslie Jones' March 2013 Mix" will do just fine as a title.
    Of course you can give it a nice and catchy title, but just remember to keep it nice and clean!

    Titles like "Playing this (DJ set or production) will get you more members of the opposite sex"
    are a synonym for "Posting this (DJ set or production) will get it deleted and maybe even warned" to us Mods and Admins.

    If you post a production and it's still a work in progress, mention it in the title. You could try adding (WIP).

    A MINImix is a MINImix, not a MICROmix!
    Please do not post DJ sets shorter than 30 minutes!!!

    If you do post a so called minimix shorter than 30 minutes, it will get deleted once we get wind of it!
    We are flooded with minimixes of three minutes or shorter, this way the forum is flooded easily.

    We encourage the community to report any DJ sets shorter than 30 minutes!

    I want my Production to get noticed
    Sure! We would love for you to have your productions to get noticed through our forums.
    Just follow the above mentioned prefix and title guidelines.

    I want feedback on my Work in Progress

    Once again follow prefix and title guidelines.
    Make it clear that you want feedback in the title.

    I REALLY want to post my "10 minute mix" entry or my MINImix
    We have created a dedicated thread for these kind of short mixes, which can be found here:
    [Other] Dedicated "Post your '10 Minute Mix' or MINImix" thread

    Don't comment on mixes in this topic, just leave your feedback on the corresponding user's profile page.
    Of course you want as many listens as possible, but keep it nice for your fellow community members.
    Only one bump per 24 hrs please!

    I want too much exposure!
    As there can never be too much exposure, you might consider dropping it in the DJ Techtools Sound Cloud group.

    Please be aware that it is a privilege to post in this thread. To be able to post or start your own threads, you will have to earn the right to post.
    You will be able to post once your user- title no longer is newbie. For the time being, this is set to 25 posts!

    If you do not comply, we as moderator and administrator team are allowed to delete topics/threads without any prior notification.
    Last edited by keithace; 06-30-2016 at 09:31 PM. Reason: Typos
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  2. #2
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010



    1. You must have a minimum of 20 posts to post a mix. This will prevent people with zero involvement in the community to spam their new hot fire mix.

    2. You must include a tracklist. For Example: Artist - Track Name (name of remix)

    3. Only post your own original mixes. There is a podcast, mix compilation thread in off topic.

    4. Please report any dead links.
    Last edited by keithace; 06-21-2016 at 02:01 PM.
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
    Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal

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