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  1. #341
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Default Smart Knob: Set start value for any FX parameter [Tutorial]

    This is mapping should be fairly simple and as title says it allows the user to set any particular value at the moment the knob is turned from the far left position (start value). In this tutorial I will use the Deck A Filter as an example of creating a high pass filter knob.

    Step one:

    Add a modifier and map it to any fader/knob - I'm using M1 here but feel free to map which ever is available/free in your mappings. It should look like this:

    Add In > Modifier 1 / type=button / interaction=hold / value=1

    Step two:

    Go ahead and add the FX parameter you wish to modulate. I'll be setting the channel A Filter in the mixer.

    Add In > Mixer > Filter Adjust / condition M1=0 / type=button / interaction=direct / value=0.500

    This command will take care of setting my filter knob back to zero (center) each time I start modulating the knob to the right starting from far left position.

    Step three:

    So we'll need another command which actually adjusts the amount of the filter to create a high pass modulation... Inverting this command will turn this knob in to a low pass filter.

    Add In > Mixer > Filter Adjust / condition M1=1 / type=fader / interaction=relative / rotary sensitivity=70%

    Final Step:

    We also want to engage/toggle the effect when the knob is turned from start position. Right?

    Add In > Mixer > Filter On / type=button / interaction=hold

    Download the mapping file: Smart Knob by

    If you find anything is confusing you please let me know in the comments. Hope you like and enjoy!

  2. #342
    Tech Wizard
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    This is mapping should be fairly simple and as title says it allows the user to set any particular value at the moment the knob is turned from the far left position (start value). In this tutorial I will use the Deck A Filter as an example of creating a high pass filter knob.

    Step one:

    Add a modifier and map it to any fader/knob - I'm using M1 here but feel free to map which ever is available/free in your mappings. It should look like this:

    Add In > Modifier 1 / type=button / interaction=hold / value=1

    Step two:

    Go ahead and add the FX parameter you wish to modulate. I'll be setting the channel A Filter in the mixer.

    Add In > Mixer > Filter Adjust / condition M1=0 / type=button / interaction=direct / value=0.500

    This command will take care of setting my filter knob back to zero (center) each time I start modulating the knob to the right starting from far left position.

    Step three:

    So we'll need another command which actually adjusts the amount of the filter to create a high pass modulation... Inverting this command will turn this knob in to a low pass filter.

    Add In > Mixer > Filter Adjust / condition M1=1 / type=fader / interaction=relative / rotary sensitivity=70%

    Final Step:

    We also want to engage/toggle the effect when the knob is turned from start position. Right?

    Add In > Mixer > Filter On / type=button / interaction=hold

    Download the mapping file: Smart Knob by

    If you find anything is confusing you please let me know in the comments. Hope you like and enjoy!

    Stewe, great! I've used it on my X1 but my map was different, it worked well, but with bugs, this is your perfect! kkkkk

    in time, what setting do you suggest for the filter type? (ladder, xone or Z)
    for me I like ladder, but the sound system in resonance is strange, is sound like the volume up

  3. #343
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canzil View Post
    Stewe, great! I've used it on my X1 but my map was different, it worked well, but with bugs, this is your perfect! kkkkk

    in time, what setting do you suggest for the filter type? (ladder, xone or Z)
    for me I like ladder, but the sound system in resonance is strange, is sound like the volume up
    Nice one canzil! Thanks for your feedback

    It's great to know that this mapping can be applied to the Kontrol X1 knobs - btw, you're at MK2 version? I thought the MK1 didn't support custom button mappings for the fader/knobs.

    I'd suggest a Filter92 in single effect mode - far best sound in Traktor, once it's prepared click on the button number three and the FX Unit will set your second knob to control the resonance. Last knob parameter will then work in the same way as the mixer LP/HP does.

    I'm getting pretty good result in combining T3Delay, Peak Filter, Reverb (Unit 1 group) and Filter92 (Unit 3 single) in to a HP Echo Superknob. SInce it's the most common effect chain that majority of people use I might write down some parameters for this.

  4. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Nice one canzil! Thanks for your feedback

    It's great to know that this mapping can be applied to the Kontrol X1 knobs - btw, you're at MK2 version? I thought the MK1 didn't support custom button mappings for the fader/knobs.

    I'd suggest a Filter92 in single effect mode - far best sound in Traktor, once it's prepared click on the button number three and the FX Unit will set your second knob to control the resonance. Last knob parameter will then work in the same way as the mixer LP/HP does.

    I'm getting pretty good result in combining T3Delay, Peak Filter, Reverb (Unit 1 group) and Filter92 (Unit 3 single) in to a HP Echo Superknob. SInce it's the most common effect chain that majority of people use I might write down some parameters for this.
    Yes Stewe using x1 mk1 midi mode but none x1 support functions fader/button button in user mode, only in midi mode

    Have used this Filter92 in single, but I use the tekken in F1 so I can't use the 2 together. But my traktor is super slow because of these mappings from tekken, I believe it is a bug in traktor.

    Would you help me to configure the effect of x1 that Hawtin has in tekken. If possible take a look at this link, here's my mappings, if u can take a look, you understand better.

  5. #345
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canzil View Post
    Yes Stewe using x1 mk1 midi mode but none x1 support functions fader/button button in user mode, only in midi mode
    Thanks for clarifying this mate!

    Quote Originally Posted by canzil View Post
    Have used this Filter92 in single, but I use the tekken in F1 so I can't use the 2 together. But my traktor is super slow because of these mappings from tekken, I believe it is a bug in traktor.
    By slowing down Traktor, you mean for the time taken to load the .tsi file? If so that's true, and I also call this a bug since it really pisses me off.

    Quote Originally Posted by canzil View Post
    Would you help me to configure the effect of x1 that Hawtin has in tekken. If possible take a look at this link, here's my mappings, if u can take a look, you understand better.
    I'd really wish I could help you with that... Unfortunately I don't own X1 or F1 to check out your mappings
    Sorry about that!

  6. #346
    Tech Wizard
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Thanks for clarifying this mate!

    By slowing down Traktor, you mean for the time taken to load the .tsi file? If so that's true, and I also call this a bug since it really pisses me off.

    I'd really wish I could help you with that... Unfortunately I don't own X1 or F1 to check out your mappings
    Sorry about that!
    on my mac, traktor slow down when openning preferences, this is really frustrating, if ever need to change any settings during the presentation at a gig is very dangerous.

    I know you don't own a x1 and f1, I think you can read the mappings on traktor, but I understand it i's very hard to understand I try to only "reading". Well, I can try do this by myself and posting here the results, I think you can give me some good ideas to figure this out.
    Thanks anyway

  7. #347
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    OK, I'll give it a try. What button on the F1 we are talking about?

  8. #348
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    I'll also be needing a midi diagram for the F1!

  9. #349
    Tech Convert
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    Default hawtin

    You mean that 4 buttons hawtin fx if yes
    Its very easy somewhere in this treat are al the explanation of the parameters
    The only thing of that fx parameters its the dry/wet is to high have put mine around 350 it blends nice with my songs

  10. #350
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    I just came up with a new keyboard mapping for my Macbook that allows you to call up any effect into an effects slot.


    Alt + B = Beatmasher as a single effect
    Alt + Shift + B = Beatmasher added to a Multi-Effects Chain

    check out the mapping here!

    future versions can include an automated system where the effects only load to a playing deck

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