Scamo's Traktor S4 FX Jogs Xtreme Mapping - Builder Version - Page 3
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  1. #21
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    LOVE THE MAP!!!!!! I've been using Eans depeche mode map for a while and really wanted there to be MORE to it but i never spent the time to do it myself. So after giving your map a shot recently I can't get enough of it and am excited to hear you are planning on making the how-to video.

    I'll add more the discussion as I use it and come up anything on my own but I wanted you to PM your Paypal email address so I can send you a donation for the great work you've put into this! I get paid for DJing every weekend and will be using this A LOT, especially with your how to tutorial.. both are valuable to me so I'm willing to kick a some $$ to you!

    Can't wait to see this take off big time!

  2. #22
    DJTT Admin Scammer scamo's Avatar
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    Feb 2011


    Another update. Google killed the upload, because it is too long. Max video length is now at 15 minutes. I didn't know that. The "how to" video is almost 30 minutes long and it could have been longer too. So I am going to have to split up the video into two small ones.

    Also, version 5.0.3 of the builder mapping will be coming out tonight. I found two less serious bugs yesterday and these fixes also need to be available, before my "how-to" video is public. Otherwise you guys will be going "WTF!". LOL!

    As for donations. I'll give it some more contemplation. I do actually think this whole project is getting to a point, where I could receive money for the work I've been doing and not feel bad about it. I am also thinking about even starting a mapping service, so DJs, who don't have the time or knowledge to map, can just ask if I can get it done for them. For that though, I need to have a slew of controllers on hand and for that I also need capital. It's a very chicken and egg thingy.

    At any rate, thanks for all the moral support for sure!

    Skooppa - the revolution is beginning!

    You want the best FX jogs on the S4? Then try this mapping!

    Our Mixes: Mixcloud - Soundcloud
    Hehe...yeah. We're just beginning.

  3. #23
    DJTT Admin Scammer scamo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Ok, version 5.0.3 is up. Please use it to do your own FX Jogs mappings. I think this should be the last update and I apologize should anyone already be mapping away.

    Part one of the "How to" video is uploading.

    Skooppa - the revolution is beginning!

    You want the best FX jogs on the S4? Then try this mapping!

    Our Mixes: Mixcloud - Soundcloud
    Hehe...yeah. We're just beginning.

  4. #24
    DJTT Admin Scammer scamo's Avatar
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    Feb 2011


    Hate to say it, but now 5.0.4 of the builder mapping is up. I had found a mistake with how mod 8 was working. It could cause you problems, so please download the newest version.

    Skooppa - the revolution is beginning!

    You want the best FX jogs on the S4? Then try this mapping!

    Our Mixes: Mixcloud - Soundcloud
    Hehe...yeah. We're just beginning.

  5. #25
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    No worries Scamo!!! Keep up the great troubleshooting!!!

  6. #26
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    cant wait for the how to vid, thrilling stuff

  7. #27
    DJTT Admin Scammer scamo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Oh, about the video. I am going to make a third attempt today to get it uploaded in two parts and in a lesser quality, so it won't take so long. My internet connection is a bummer.

    Skooppa - the revolution is beginning!

    You want the best FX jogs on the S4? Then try this mapping!

    Our Mixes: Mixcloud - Soundcloud
    Hehe...yeah. We're just beginning.

  8. #28
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Scamo, great work !!!! much thanks. Does this builder version have more than the 1st effect/grouping acitve? or is more to come for the "full" version. Also The PDF that you did for the 1st 5.o mapping was great.

  9. #29
    DJTT Admin Scammer scamo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011



    Yes, the builder version only has one FX mode. It is there only as an example, so you can see what is going on (if you can read it out of the Controller Manager).

    The Full version will have a lot more FX modes. I am at 15 currently.

    As for the PDF. I am doing videos now. I doubt I'll find the time to do both, but thanks for the compliment.

    Also a small update. Part 1 of my "How to Map my Mapping Video" is up....finally. As soon as the second part is up, I'll post a thread to do a discussion.

    Skooppa - the revolution is beginning!

    You want the best FX jogs on the S4? Then try this mapping!

    Our Mixes: Mixcloud - Soundcloud
    Hehe...yeah. We're just beginning.

  10. #30


    So, is the full mapping finished, then? No pressure. I'm just excited to get my hands on it. I have some modifications I want to do to your current mapping, but want to wait for the final full version before I dive in.

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