**Novation Twitch with the new DJTT Knobs & Faders** - Page 3
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  1. #21
    Tech Wizard Yuki's Avatar
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    Guys I have seen a picture of the Twitch with the Traktor overlay on it.. It looks kinda thick and the standard knobs seem to sit deeper in there.. Has anyone tried the Chroma Caps over the Traktor overlay? Do they fit more flush to the face of the controller with it?

    Also your method of removing the plastic inside, is this to fit the rubber over the existing knob? or do you remove the standard knobs and then put these DJTT knobs on with the plastic removed?
    Last edited by Yuki; 04-08-2012 at 06:12 AM.

  2. #22
    Tech Mentor
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    Fits fine. I use the overlay (but not with Traktor, I've relabeled the overlay for use with Ableton) and the knobs and caps do not need to be removed when putting on and taking off the overlay.

  3. #23
    Tech Convert
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    Thanks Xylo & Sinfm... I've been searching for good quality replacement knobs after trying out some of the old DJTT ones I'd bought for my Hercules RMX: they fit OK but feel cheap.


    The Twitch knobs were a nightmare to remove (at least on my model). No amount of teasing with my fingers or using an old cloth to add traction helped. Eventually I had to resort to padding out the jaws of a pair of pliers to gently tease off the old knobs. This worked for all but two of them: when I slowly pulled them off, the metal D-shafts inside the knobs themselves also came out from inside the potentiometers. DAMN! Warranty gone and a brand new 300-squid Twitch potentially down the pan. These were an absolute devil to put back in - the 'end stops' on one knob have broken so it now acts like an endless encoder.

    What to do? I've managed to find a local electronics wizard (certified out-of-warranty Allen & Heath repairs) who can hopefully replace the broken potentiometers...

    So, listen up, don't f**k up like I did folks - BE ULTRA CAREFUL WHEN TAKING OFF THE KNOBS... Or just leave them there if they won't come off by hand. Lesson learned!
    Last edited by DJGiff; 04-11-2012 at 08:23 PM.

  4. #24
    Tech Mentor bascurtiz's Avatar
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  5. #25


    I have tried to use the hand drill to break the stopper but still sits high on my twitch.... is there any way u can help? please?

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Xylo Sesame View Post
    What am I missing in this technique? I see the stopper. I apply pressure. The stopper stubbornly remains. I apply pressure and twist. I apply pressure and angle. The stopper stubbornly remains.

    --- Edit ---

    Whew, got it. After ruining a knob or two by applying too much pressure, and after breaking out the mallet and X-Acto knives, I finally found the right sized jeweler's screwdriver. For me, it was pressure to the side of the stopper, followed by a twisting/rotating around the stopper similar to a slow hand-drill. After I finally figured out what worked for me, it was relatively quick and easy.
    Hey Xylo,

    I am new to this forum and I tried your approach of removing the stopper from the DJTT knob for my novation twitch. I have broken 2 knobs and drilled one knob right up to the top but it still fits high on my twitch.Can you help?

  7. #27
    Tech Mentor bascurtiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vsganeshan View Post
    I have tried to use the hand drill to break the stopper but still sits high on my twitch.... is there any way u can help? please?

    Hereby a quick tutorial how-to:

    If u did good, this is how it looks like:

    1A) This is how the knob looks like before u molest it
    1B) Notice how the cap inside is gone
    1C) Notice how the round white plastic inside is wider/gone

    2A) Use a drill size 4.5
    2B) Measure how deep the drill should go, and place a tape on your drill as indicator
    2C) Drill it!
    2D) Notice how i went a little too deep, getting the rubber damaged

    3A) Turn the pot all the way to zero / left / 7'o clock
    3B) Place the knob on top, facing the white mark to 7' o clock
    3C) Push it down, should go smooth, but firm. Done.. Voila!

  8. #28


    Thanks a ton for the detailed tutorial and I will try as explained....

    Thanks a ton!!!!!

    U made my day

    Quote Originally Posted by bascurtiz View Post
    Hereby a quick tutorial how-to:

    If u did good, this is how it looks like:

    1A) This is how the knob looks like before u molest it
    1B) Notice how the cap inside is gone
    1C) Notice how the round white plastic inside is wider/gone

    2A) Use a drill size 4.5
    2B) Measure how deep the drill should go, and place a tape on your drill as indicator
    2C) Drill it!
    2D) Notice how i went a little too deep, getting the rubber damaged

    3A) Turn the pot all the way to zero / left / 7'o clock
    3B) Place the knob on top, facing the white mark to 7' o clock
    3C) Push it down, should go smooth, but firm. Done.. Voila!

  9. #29
    Tech Mentor bascurtiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vsganeshan View Post
    Thanks a ton for the detailed tutorial and I will try as explained....

    Thanks a ton!!!!!

    U made my day
    You're welcome. Lemme know how u rolled

  10. #30
    Tech Student
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    Oct 2012


    hey guys i'm new to the forum! I joined because of a problem i have with my twitch knobs. After using it for two weeks i noticed that my high eq knob stands just a tad higher than the other knobs. ive applied semi pressure to take it off but nothing happens. and it would have been practicly imposible for me to have caused the knob to be lifted in the first place. how would i go about alining it up with the other knobs?

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