Hello, I'm working on remapping a bunch of modular controls I've been using for very basic things. Thanks mostly to these forums.

I'm stuck on understanding the MOVE command, as well as Set Size and MODE.

If someone could explain how the logic of these works that would be awesome.

So are the beatjump and the loop move sizes the same thing? Is one size saved in the background when using the other form of move?

can an encoder be mapped to "loop move size change" and another to "beatjump size change" or are they the same thing?

does changing move size effect loop if a loop is active and beatjump if no loop is active, or does it change both? Can both exist at the same time or do they conflict? So you've got a beatjump size and a loop move size set seperately and can beatjump with one encoder and loop move with the other?

In practical application what I'm thinking of is to have a row of buttons each one moves the loop forward or back by a set amount, in pairs so a forward and a backwards button each for 4/8/16/32.
Do I need to have each button set loop move size and move. set loop mode, set size, move. How would that work?
With a seperate section with an encoder that changes beat jump size and then two buttons for forward and back the amount selected.

The other thought I had is having one encoder that sets either beatjump length, or loop move length (based on a modifier determining which like a shift key in latched state) with a button for forward and one for backwards of the set amount. More simplistic but I hate using shift keys, prefer dedicated controls usually.

I'm just really not sure how these commands interact well enough to start mapping. Any help is appreciated.