How to assign APC40/20 LEDs - Page 2
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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by mikerudinski View Post
    So basically I could never find a clear way to map the leds with my apc40. I spent about 3 hours plugging in numbers and looking at other apc40 tsi files. SO here's the skinny on how to map the leds.

    First you assign the output for what ever pad you want.
    Step one
    Activate modifier M1 to setting number 0
    Type of controller: LED
    Interaction Mode: Output
    Assignment: (Deck of choice)

    Here is the important part:
    Controller range: min=0 max=1, and check the invert box.
    Midi Range:
    For green: min=1 max=1 (check the blend box)
    For Red : min=3 max=3 (blend box)
    For amber: min=5 max= (blend box)
    If you want the buttons to blink when you activate them you set the second number to the number below it (i.e. 1 becomes zero, 3 becomes 2 and 5 becomes 4)
    Hey could you be a little more detailed with this description. If its not a total pain in the ass would u mind going through the steps starting from mapping the input of the hot cue. because i tried to follow this and i got no where.

    Thanks a lot,


  2. #12
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
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    Explained in a graphical way (i have 0 as min so the buttons are unlit if empty):


    Delete (I'm using tap tempo button as hold Modifier3 0/1)

    Hotcue State (Lights)

    Send Monitor State

    You can get my TSI here if you wish to study it
    Last edited by padi_04; 11-23-2010 at 08:02 PM.

  3. #13
    Tech Mentor
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    Thanks for posting this stuff, it's been a BIG help.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by padi_04 View Post

    You can get my TSI here if you wish to study it
    So basically the deal is that any button that has an LED output associated with it needs to be hooked up to a "send monitor state" as well?

    I've tried doing this, but can't seem to get it to work I set the LED to output whether the effect is on or not in amber. I have the button mapped both to "turn on effect" and to "send monitor state." When I press the button, it turns green briefly, and then will sometimes update to match the effect on/off output correctly, and sometimes it won't. When it doesn't, I can use another button I have mapped to "send monitor state" and it fixes it.

    To add insult to injury, I tried downloading your tsi file and importing it so I can look at it... and it comes up as totally blank! I don't get it

  5. #15

    Default Figured it out

    Ahhh, you have to set the buttons to invert, so that they "send monitor state" only when released. Nice!

    Now I have to figure out how to do the same thing with the knobs. Basically, when I switch effects, I want to output the state of the knob to the knob cc, so that I don't have to use soft takeover.

    I'm using the mixer faders to cycle through fx... Basically I want the fx knob to be updated with the output value only when changing to new fx. If I have the output on all the time, the knob gets "jumpy" because Traktor is simultaneously reading and outputting the knob value.

    Any tips would be appreciated!

  6. #16
    Tech Student
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    Default clarification would be fantastic

    Step one
    Activate modifier M1 to setting number 0
    Type of controller: LED
    Interaction Mode: Output
    Assignment: (Deck of choice)

    Here is the important part:
    Controller range: min=0 max=1, and check the invert box.
    Midi Range:
    For green: min=1 max=1 (check the blend box)
    For Red : min=3 max=3 (blend box)
    For amber: min=5 max= (blend box)
    If you want the buttons to blink when you activate them you set the second number to the number below it (i.e. 1 becomes zero, 3 becomes 2 and 5 becomes 4)
    basically, if someone can break this down to my less adept level, i would be eternally grateful. i've mapped my sends/effects/etc. to their respective happy places, now i just need to understand the assigning of LED's.

    this would def help me.

  7. #17


    Ok, here's the deal: basically the only way to get the LED's to work consistently is to spam them with "send monitor state" every time you press a button.

    So, for an individual button, you'd set up an output for whatever control you're looking at in traktor (so say, filter for deck a on or off.) Then what you're doing is saying "ok, traktor, the value of the controller will either be on or off (0 to 1.) Then you're saying if it's on, output this value (say 3 for red.)

    Here's the tricky part: the apc40, when run normally, will try to use it's own internal logic to determine what color the LED's should be. You need to constantly smack it down and tell it "no! use THIS color."

    That's where send monitor state comes in: that's the smackdown from tracktor. So for *every button* you want to use on your APC, and you want to have light up correctly, you need to add an additional *input* control for send monitor state. You have to make this control a "trigger" and put it on "invert." So that means that every time you press a button, once you release it (because it's on invert) traktor will tell the APC "hey! here's what your lights should be!"

    Another thing you can do (and I think this is what the guy's talking about in the quote" is you can have lights that are on all the time. I like to do this to show myself which buttons on the APC do what (so I have a green section for cues, a red section for effects.) What you do is you take a modifier that you're not using for anything else (i use 8) and you set up an output for that modifier, set it to "invert" (so the LED will be on when the modifier is off.) Then just make sure not to have any controllers that actually turn that modifier off.

    Since the modifier is off by default, that means that those lights will be on all the time.

    Here's a screenshot of the modifier situation I just described (sorry, the uploader made me make it really small)... Good luck!
    Last edited by ThePattern; 08-13-2011 at 07:20 PM.

  8. #18
    Tech Student
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    austin, tx

    Default ah.


    i'm using Ableton. for the luv of god please tell me there is a way to do this w/out Traktor.


  9. #19


    Heh, all of this hackery is only necessary if you're using Traktor. The APC is designed to work right out of the box with ableton... the lights work by themselves, you don't have to configure anything.

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by padi_04 View Post
    Explained in a graphical way (i have 0 as min so the buttons are unlit if empty):
    This was a useful thread. Thanks!

    However, I want to know a couple things:
    Using US version apc40 with Traktor Pro 2 (2 track, 2 sample decks)

    - If you use regular mode can you map the Track Selection buttons? (can it be done and work without interference with the bank functions). I don't really want/care about the bank functions, but would rather use the regular mode just for ease/not opening Live.

    - In regular mode your LED rings etc. go away originally when first turning the device on/opening Traktor. Is it possible to have LED rings with volume/pan function? I assume the answer is yes.

    - Is send monitor state necessary for every button and knob that has an LED? Is this taxing on the CPU? I read somewhere you might need to adjust your latency a little bit.

    - Though I've read the mini-tutorial on the blog, I'm not quite sure of the difference between Controller Range and Midi Range. Also, I've noticed the numbers seem backwards with max Midi being larger than min Midi often. LED problems are the biggest issue.

    Thanks for the help in advance! I believe this thread was one of the most helpful ones and I've been browsing them for two days now. There really needs to be Sticky's of the most useful/comprehensive explanations/threads.

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