Ok, so basically in external mixing mode the X-fader on the SCS.3m is useless... or is it?

I have some ideas that I'd like to try out but I'm also interested in suggestions on what to map it to.

Right now I've got the LED feedback working, and have a modifier scale mapped to the X-fader. I'm thinking about setting up an "instant gratification" style FX sweep on it, but I'd like to hear what other functions you think would be nice to have at your finger tips (pun intended)

Another idea that I'm not sure if it would work is maybe setting it up to activate a "shift page" like function so that at if it's at the left side everything is normal, but if I pull it to the right side some, or all, of the buttons/faders would operate new functions, this new "page" could easily be visually identified by the X-fader position AND the fact that I can set most of the LEDs to turn purple because of the combined red and blue LEDs in most of the buttons. This might be useful for controlling some of the new sampling functions in TSP2...

Whaddya think?