Trigger Finger Mapping w/ Traktor
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  1. #1

    Default Trigger Finger Mapping w/ Traktor

    Hai There!

    I'm trying to set up a Trigger Finger .tsi file in Traktor Pro, but I am also running a vci-100, and whenever I go to inport the trigger finger .tsi file, neither the trigger finger or the vci-100 will work and I have to reload the vci-100 tsi. If someone has a moment, can they walk me through how to set them both up correctly? I would oh so appreciate it!!

    Also, does anyone know if I can somehow map a midi-fighter mapping onto my trigger finger? It seems like they're pretty much the same thing, just a 4x4 square of buttons. Is there a way to do this??

    Thanks everyone!

  2. #2
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    to add a second controller into traktor you have to load the first main controller into the program using the large import button and then the second controller with the small add button in the upper section of the controller window.

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