Coming soon, to a Farmpad near you... - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Mentor DJPhaidon's Avatar
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    Here's most of the info that I'm going off of for you guys. I'm going to try to get it to work again in bomes, because I think it would be the easiest way to make something that is easily reconfigurable unless we find a programmer, cause I'm definitely not that guy. I just screw with things till they work

    From what I can tell, Farmpad actually sends the configuration over to the pk when the lights flash twice, so the pk is actually holding all the note values, channels, and settings and sends out sysex messages that reflect accordingly. One thing that I did notice is that when you do scene changes mapped to the farmpad config file is that the change has a lot of lag, however, when it's triggered from bomes or traktor, the change happens really quickly. That being said, what the ideal program would do is keep the pk on the same scene, but just manipulate the lights through the data dump instead of changing the scenes and the actual output. Then, you could have unlimited scenes in bomes because the pk wouldn't actually be changing anything, just the led's lit, but it would act exactly like farmpad only with less lag. That's the idea anyway.

    13" MacBook Pro 2.7 i7 w/dual Raid0 OWC SSDs - S4 - Ableton Live 8- Lemur- iPad 2

  2. #12
    Tech Mentor DJPhaidon's Avatar
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    and some great news. Downloaded the newest beta of bomes cause it's out, and the sysex messages are showing in the window, so I now have two buttons mapped to turn on native mode and turn off native mode. No typing in a terminal window, just on and off. Cake now, and it can be used for windows and osx, only downside is it requires bomes which costs money, and some time developing. I'll let you know what I come up with for settings and led feedback.

    13" MacBook Pro 2.7 i7 w/dual Raid0 OWC SSDs - S4 - Ableton Live 8- Lemur- iPad 2

  3. #13
    Tech Mentor
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    Wow, that definately sounds promising. I am definately going to have to check that out immediately. Please do post your results if you get it working.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJPhaidon View Post
    and some great news. Downloaded the newest beta of bomes cause it's out, and the sysex messages are showing in the window, so I now have two buttons mapped to turn on native mode and turn off native mode. No typing in a terminal window, just on and off. Cake now, and it can be used for windows and osx, only downside is it requires bomes which costs money, and some time developing. I'll let you know what I come up with for settings and led feedback.
    Now if I were in native mode with my custom farmpad cfg, and I switched over to native mode off, the pk would act just like it would without farmpad, correct? Hmm... would that be possible to keep the buttons in native mode and have the pads react normally? That in itself might enable the leds to utilize the feedback in traktor. Interesting...

  5. #15
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    Hi I realize this post is dating a bit, but have you guys made some progress with this ?
    I have bome, a pk but i have been using both with mixvibes producer, so I am not familiar with Traktor however I feel the PK is still great and would love to use it.
    Can i help you with something, test etc ? Please let me know! Cheers

  6. #16
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    Yeah actually, I have been making progress on it and it's working great for me so far...gigged with it once and haven't had a problem on my system. What is it in particular that you are looking for? If you want to help you can. Do you know how to use farmpad? If not that's's pretty straightforward once you just look at the example files. As long as you think logically, you're ok

    I can post you what I have so far but I don't have time tonight. I will get back to you asap.

    We can discuss what you think should be added/subtracted....any new ideas you may have would be great and anything to improve the workflow. BUt for now, what would YOU like to see all the buttons on the pK do?

  7. #17
    Tech Wizard
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    Hi RT,
    thanks for replying.
    No I dont know farmpad, i m on pc but I know Bome and thought I could be useful with that knowledge.

    Regarding what to do with the pk and traktor, my experience with mv producer is the following.
    I had the pk set in native mode for light feedback on buttons and pads and button rotary use.
    I would use the rotary to switch between "modes".
    In Traktor we could have a
    • midifighter mode, replicating what people do with the fighter, maybe enhancing it a bit

    • hotcue/fx control mode, to play with the different fx on the pad, set deck(s) focus etc...

    • editing mode, to set cue points and manipulate track settings (grid
      etc..), prepare tracks

    • internal mixer mode, set monitor,equalizer settings, I appreciate that the lack of knobs isnt ideal for this, but we can overcome this with a creative use of the touch pad.

    • browser mode

    I might not be spot on all possible modes, as I said i am not that familiar with Traktor yet.

    I think the first step would be to gather input and document the different possible modes and define how they would work. The equivalent of an Interaction design, if you wish.
    Then start producing, mode by mode, go through the required cycles of testing and go !
    The PadKontrol is a fantastic, sturdy, compact and light controller, easy to carry. When set in native mode through Bome(and apparently Farmpad) the possibilities are huge, again, I dont have farmpad and limited experience with Traktor but I'm OK with Bome.
    Maybe we can work together on the definition + Tsi part, I can move forward in bome, you in famrpad ?
    Just thinking out loud here, but the potential of the padKontrol hasnt been unlocked yet in Traktor, with some good will i'm sure we can.

  8. #18
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    We can work on both farmpad and bomes. I don't know much about bomes, however we can just brainstorm ideas about getting a basic layout of what we would be aiming for. Right now I have mine set up pretty much like a midi fighter, plus I still have complete functionality of every other knob and button on the interface while in native mode as well.

    My current set up consists of the following;

    The first scene consists of the midifighter layout, although I removed the record and fx buttons completely. So pads 1-8 are the same as the midi fighter (play/pause, sync, shift) less the fx buttons being omitted of course, and then pads 9-16 are hotcues...and just like the midifighter you can both set,play, and delete your hotcues from a single pad (delete with shift).

    The encoder up top selects the scene. I'll just post a picture of the rest of the stuff I have going on for this scene...but overall it's pretty self explainatory however if you have any questions or ideas, please ask.

    Obviously I have the 4 deck focus buttons right next to the 16 pads for functionality. If you only have decks A and B selected the layout in Traktor will remain defualt, however if you click on deck C or D it will change to a 4 deck layout, and then back again when you remove it. This I had to do within Traktor's TSI. Also, the ''X'' button on the pK is a layout lock button, as well as the deck C and D control for the EQ Kills. The buttons to the left and right of where it says HK MK LK are EQ kills for decks A and B respectively, by default. Hitting the C&D button will control the EQ kills for guessed it, C&D. I am currently trying to get proper led feedback when switching from C & D control to A & B control for the EQ Kills. For instance if I kill lows on A & B, and switch to C & D and kill the highs, I want to hit the C&D button and have the LEDs light up correctly reflecting that the lows have been killed. Make sense?

    Other than that, I have a snap and quantize button dedicated on the left hand side, and the ''settings'' button next to the encoder is Fullscreen Mode for traktor (I just really find it useful for some reason, lol) I think it's mainly because I don't want to touch the laptop...I want to be able to do EVERYTHING from a controller with the exception of starting traktor...but even that can be arranged! Muahahaha.

    Ahem, anyway.. the ''HOLD'' button acts as a loop size function. When you hit the loop button, pads 9-16 become loop size modifiers. I think I even have them set on pads 5-7 as well to accomodate every increment of loop size. The 8th pad is a loop active toggle.

    That's pretty much it so far. I had my first gig last weekend and I was preparing for that for a while so I kinda put this on the backburner. But considering how right now I am planning on working on some sort of a mixtape, I believe I will be having much more time to get my equipment in order so I'll be working on this sooner than later.

    I still have yet to make an effects scene, but I believe that will be next. I find the VCI's layout for FX (yes, even ''fader fx'') to be somewhat cumbersome and way too glitchy for live performance. (I use a mac, but I started on pc so I have tested the vci on both systems on multiple OS's as well and still have this problem)

    I had planned on making the FLAM and ROLL buttons possible toggles for particular effects using the XY pad for control, but I have yet to do that. This I want on the main scene...just a quick FX rig that I can throw in here and there, pretty much my most common effects. I also want to make a full on FX scene though with insane capabilities.... you game?

    Forgive the typo's... I'm tired..

  9. #19
    Tech Mentor
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    I forgot to mention, I have a foot switch, but I don't know what to map to it as of yet so there's some food for thought. I was thinking about making it the activation control for that swoosh effects for transitioning between EDM songs, creating buildups,and at the end of musical phrases..I think you know what I mean.

  10. #20
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    ...and did you wan't the current TSI I have? All you would really have to do initially would be to map the controls to the exact CC's and MIDI numbers I have mine set to and you would be on your way. You would have to do quite a bit through bomes however, to get it working comepletely right. For instance, with farmpad, I have the ''deck focus'' buttons grouped together, so only one led is on at a time, and that is reflective of which deck currently has focus whitin Traktor. I'm doing that through farmpad, though you could probably do that through Traktor or bomes... not sure. Optimally, if I could do it through the TSI in Traktor, that would be better for anyone else who wanted it...that way little to nothing would have to be done with farmpad other than using it for native mode within the pk...but then again, I could include the farmpad cfg files as well... ah heck.. I'm going to bed.. lol.

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