NI Kontrol X1 MKII. Is it possible to map bend up / bend down on the touch strip?
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  1. #1

    Lightbulb NI Kontrol X1 MKII. Is it possible to map bend up / bend down on the touch strip?


    as Ean mentioned it on this video between 4'26'' and 4'32'', i would like to map bend up and bend down from Traktor decks (i use 2 for the moment: A and B) on the touch strip.

    I checked in Controller Editor 1.6.2, but didn't find it.

    Does anybody have a cool trick please?

    Thank you


  2. #2


    also i would like to find a location on the x1 mk2 where to logically map the active loop active function, always for Traktor. Thank you

  3. #3
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    You don't map in the controller editor, you map in the controller manager inside traktor. As standard, pitch bend is already mapped to the touchstrip, so I don't know what you're trying to achieve here? I also have no clue what you mean with the loop function question.

  4. #4


    hi Scalage,

    Thank you for your answer.

    I don't want to use the touchstrip for pitch bend, if it's not mappable as I want to.

    I want to map it through 2 different regions: bend up and bend down, for each deck. (Please check the video between 4'26'' and 4'32', Ean is clear when he evokes this).

    Therefore, I want to map the hotcue #3 for bend down and the hotcue #4 for bend up.
    (To have the same behavior as in the X1 MK1 (for the beat buttons with shift pressed, but i don't want to shift: when I press hot cue 3, I bend down (I pull progressively the beat down) and when I press hot cue 4, I bend up (I push progressively the beat up). Like turntables or cd players or jogs on dj midi controllers.)

    How can i do this please?

    Regarding the loop function, on each deck on traktor, you have this 'Active' function (under the pitch), i would like to map this on a button (for instance hot cue 2), for on and off on the loop activation.

    Thank you for your help.

  5. #5
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    I see. So the left part would be bend down and the right one bend up. I don't know if this is possible as the strip has a touch functionality, but only one.
    The mapping of the pitch bend to the hotcues is fairly simple. Just assign tempo bend (stepless) as a hold button set to value down for #3 and up for #4 and tick the box override factory mapping.
    The one for the loop is the loop active on command IIRC. Map it as a toggle to hotcue #2. Again, tick the override factory map box.

  6. #6


    i need to go into Controller Manager in Traktor and then select: Device, Traktor X1 MK2 (default)?

  7. #7
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Yes, exactly

  8. #8


    ok cool, i'm up to do it by the way, just before doing this, i would like to say that in the Controller Editor (not Traktor Controller Manager ok..), i touched something and would like to reset to the default template before acting in the Controller Manager, how do i do this please?

  9. #9


    as a sum up, if i don't save as a template my assignments from the controller editor, it has no incidence, right?

  10. #10


    and above all, if i don't apply this template it has no influence, right?

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