Mixtrack Pro 2 Traktor - Using all 8 Pads in Different Layers
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Mixtrack Pro 2 Traktor - Using all 8 Pads in Different Layers

    I have an idea, but not a good idea how to do it.
    My controller has 3 layers on the bottom performance pads (loop, sample and cue). These are switched by pressing shift plus one of the bottom pads. A led indicates the state. So far so good.
    However, I cannot get the shift+pad press mapped to a modifier. Traktor will only see the shift press. I also cannot find the notes for the leds (I only found the ones for the pitch fader).

    Does anybody have an idea how I can use a trigger to switch between layers using all 8 pads just like on controllers way more expensive? I have a feeling it must be possible. Possibly by using the shift button from the other side?

  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    I got a MIxtrack 2 and also had the same idea to create a 3x8 pad page system. Unfortunately this bottom row pads would not send any midi while shift is on hold so instead of hitting hardware shift button you indeed need to create an alternate shift modifier to set it all as your original idea.

  3. #3
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    I've decided I'm doing this. This will mean I can no longer use four channels like I can now (not enough conditions to do both), but what the heck. I can always do the old switcheroo with the mapping files or use my x1 mk2 and f1.

    It's simply the matter of how. Now that I know it's not just me on the shift+pad issue, I thought of something. I also made a bit of a breakthrough by figuring out every single note for each led. This includes the loop, sample and cue leds. It's even possible to control all leds all at the same time. Only the ring leds on the jogwheels are not mappable. I can provide a list if people are interested.
    Here's what I'm thinking of: Use the opposite shift to switch between 4 modes (autoloop, manual loop with fx control, sample and cue for example) whilst retaining the switchability of the bottom row of pads. the indicator below the pads will blink according to which set of pads is selected, whith none when the fourth is selected. This gives you 8x4x3 combinations. I can use up to 8 modes, but then I can't have an indicator in one led (not to mention the amount of work to map it!). So it'll be 4 for now.
    Any suggestions on what to do with all this pad goodness? I'm currently looking into other controllers for inspiration (pioneer ddj-sz/sx/sr, numark ns7 mk2, reloop terminal mix 8). Any suggestions on these are also welcome.

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