Basic video controller for drummer?
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  1. #1
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Basic video controller for drummer?

    Hi people. My band will be doing "Rockaoke" in which the band will play along with the video of the lyrics. The drummer will play along with a click track in the audio of the video and he will select each new song.
    My question is this,
    a basic inexpensive SSL compatible usb controller? We ain't doin' no s s s s scratchin'
    what set-up would make it easy for him to add songs to a playlist and play the next song with a minimum of movements/clicks etc.
    I've had a look at SSL. You don't have to drag the new song into the play window everytime do you?
    I'd like it so that he could use a cogwheel/clickwheel to scroll down a list and then just click play.
    And how do you put SSL into single play so it just stops at the end of a track?
    No I haven't read the manual. That's what forums are for!

    thanks in advance, folks.

    See, after each person has sung, we put on background music while the next one comes on stage, the drummer cues the next track and we play it. So one deck could be set on a loop for the backing, and we just crossfade between tracks, right?

  2. #2
    Tech Convert Xylo Sesame's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Tulsa, OK USA


    Trying to get a handle on the question; do you already own SSL, or are you looking for both hardware and software?

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