Traktor Kontrol S4 Master/Monitor option unavailable on Mac
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    Default Traktor Kontrol S4 Master/Monitor option unavailable on Mac

    Hi there, recently switched from windows to mac -- I used to do some production using my s4 as a soundcard; through the headphones port, but I've been un able to recreate that experience on my mac. I have all the recent updates... but for some reason a Master/Monitor option is unavailable. I'm wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction.

    Here is a screen shot of my windows set up ::


    and here is a picture of my mac, with no Master / Monitor just "Traktor Kontrol S4 (4in, 4out)


    and just incase you're curious.. this is what my sound menu looks like in Lion

    Screen Shot 2012-04-17 at 11.07.00 PM.jpg

    The S4 works correctly in TP2
    Last edited by superpowerluxury; 04-17-2012 at 10:16 PM.

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