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  1. #201
    Tech Mentor 0Notice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sicnarf033 View Post
    i have an s4. have no idea how to map this correctly. anyone with an s4, know where they map these functions to?
    I Own a S4 and setting stuff up for it is a pain... I would recommend you find my S4 jog fx mapping or use scamos builder to make your own.
    Mapping Enthusiast
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  2. #202
    Tech Mentor sicnarf033's Avatar
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    ic, would a better option be to get x1? the reason why i came on this thread was to find advanced combos for the s4 that you guys might have.

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by sicnarf033 View Post
    ic, would a better option be to get x1? the reason why i came on this thread was to find advanced combos for the s4 that you guys might have.
    I put my vote in for the Xone K2. I own two for Traktor and love them. And none of this button to knob limitation I keep hearing about?

  4. #204
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by balakoth View Post
    Well I replicate the params that you posted. And possibly only the "Transpose" default setting is off as im not exactly sure where I set that. But regardless it sounds alot more washed out when I use it compared to your video, and the effect is definately not the same. I should probably look into some screen/audio capture software :/
    This combo uses one button and one knob and all the commands are grouped. At the end of every line it says which FX unit is it assigned for so this should be pretty straight forward.

  5. #205
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    Default 4 Button Masher Help

    Hey Stewe,

    Firstly I want to say thanks for the great work you guys have put into this thread, it has really helped me.

    I am just starting with Traktor and moving over from VDJ. I'm using a M-Audio Xponent and have a lot of flexibility with my mapping. I have figured out most of what's going on and have gotten a pretty decent mapping so far.

    However, I'm trying to implement the 4 Button Masher and have gotten it all perfect except for finding out how to invert a direct command. I am using traktor 2.6.1 and there is no invert option on Direct or a Direct (inverted) mode. I have tried multiple workarounds, managing to solve the Modifier commands, but when I do the combo the effects don't disable. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

    Also at 0Notice, if you could please proof read the code you have in the first page it would be really appreciated. There are quite a few simple spelling errors and coding errors that I can see are incorrect, but some more inexperienced computer users might not and just end up confusing themselves. Examples are "Istant Press Effects" and the 2 should be a 3 in the second line of >
    "Add in > FX Unit > Button 3 > modCon - M1=3 / type-button / mode-hold
    Add in > FX Unit > Button 2 > type-button / mode-direct (inverted) / value=0"

    Thanks a lot guys,
    I look forward to adding anything I come up with into this thread to share.

  6. #206
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GiNjA View Post
    Hey Stewe,

    Firstly I want to say thanks for the great work you guys have put into this thread, it has really helped me.
    You are welcome m8, glad you find use!

    However, I'm trying to implement the 4 Button Masher and have gotten it all perfect except for finding out how to invert a direct command. I am using traktor 2.6.1 and there is no invert option on Direct or a Direct (inverted) mode. I have tried multiple workarounds, managing to solve the Modifier commands, but when I do the combo the effects don't disable. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
    I think somebody asked it before in this thread but I'll explain it again for ya. When adding command you want to make acting as 'direct/invert' you need to set type as Fader/Knob where the INVERT button is available... Then if you re-type command to Button type and set direct with value it should act inverted because you have had inverted it in first step. Hope that make sense.

    Looking forwards to seeing something you can share as well! Cheers.

  7. #207
    Tech Mentor 0Notice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GiNjA View Post
    Also at 0Notice, if you could please proof read the code you have in the first page it would be really appreciated. There are quite a few simple spelling errors and coding errors that I can see are incorrect, but some more inexperienced computer users might not and just end up confusing themselves. Examples are "Istant Press Effects" and the 2 should be a 3 in the second line of >
    "Add in > FX Unit > Button 3 > modCon - M1=3 / type-button / mode-hold
    Add in > FX Unit > Button 2 > type-button / mode-direct (inverted) / value=0"

    Thanks a lot guys,
    I look forward to adding anything I come up with into this thread to share.
    Thanks for pointing those errors out to me, only helps make a better thread, fixed em'

    Also I would explain the invert but... Looks like Stewe got it! Glad it helped!
    Mapping Enthusiast
    S4 | X1 | F1 | MF3D

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    You are welcome m8, glad you find use!

    I think somebody asked it before in this thread but I'll explain it again for ya. When adding command you want to make acting as 'direct/invert' you need to set type as Fader/Knob where the INVERT button is available... Then if you re-type command to Button type and set direct with value it should act inverted because you have had inverted it in first step. Hope that make sense.

    Looking forwards to seeing something you can share as well! Cheers.
    Thanks for the reply, I still can't seem to map this correctly. When using mapping button 3 I only get the option of controller type -> button, modes direct/toggle/hold. I tried to put it on toggle, select invert and then change to direct, but it still acts like a direct on pressing the button. So it turns off when pressing, not releasing. Could this be a limitation in my controller or what? I'm very confused about why I cannot see the same options as you. Is there any other work around? Even if it is a few more lines of coding.

  9. #209
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GiNjA View Post
    Is there any other work around? Even if it is a few more lines of coding.
    There is a workaround using another modifier which must be mapped to same button where that inverted button suppose to be.

    Modifier / type-button / mode-hold / value 1

    Now make that same inverted command as before and dedicate modifier condition from above. Let me know...

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    There is a workaround using another modifier which must be mapped to same button where that inverted button suppose to be.

    Modifier / type-button / mode-hold / value 1

    Now make that same inverted command as before and dedicate modifier condition from above. Let me know...
    And if I have already used all 8 modifiers? I have quite a number of layers in my mapping already...

    At the moment my only solution is having the last button as a toggle and then press it a second time to deactivate the "super" effect.

    I've also found the affect sounds really good when adding in a slight reverb or wormhole from another FX Unit.

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