Why is it so different between playing in Club or home? - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Guru Kwal's Avatar
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    May 2013


    well for your first few club sets you'll be that way... it all kinda gets easier if you get gigs somewhat frequently and people start to tell you that they liked your set, etc to kinda help you build that bit of confidence

  2. #12
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    this happened to everybody, you got to use in the club a setup you feel a 100% confident with, start simple and once you can go through the whole set without geting nervous start adding more complex elements, for example if you are using traktor start with 2 decks 2 fx sync and once you are cool with that start using more decks, more fx's or quit the sync. If you are using cdj's/vinyl its just a matter of practice and time (and practice!)

    also you got to be confident about the music you have, always get your music in the best quality available and choose your music thinking in the role that a track is going to play in your set and no individually. If your music is right to moment and the club then the quality of your mixing is a matter of secondary importance.

    hope this helps!
    Last edited by jjjjuan; 08-01-2016 at 08:57 PM.

  3. #13
    DJTT #1 setup pimp 2012
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Boston, MA


    If the club has a good sound system, that can be quite a shock when you get up to the booth.

    It's like of like "Holy crap this is SO LOUD!". I always found it took some time to adjust to that (particularly when manually beatmatching).

    Just remember to breath, and try to relax. Usually after the first couple mixes you get that feeling of "Ok, I got this".

    Just prepare, don't plan.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Default audience ? dance ?

    hmm - in the club - there is audience / people

    do you want to make them move / dance ?

    don't hesitate to catch them with a wellknown tune / a tune able to move people forward.
    (I love it when people hear a tune, stop conversation and say - I have to dance to this one, and rush to the dancefloor).

    and be curious where it will lead you and the audience from that point.

    regarding to me - I play music for the audience, not for my ego. I also like to dance, so I know what groove can make me move.

    other tips like ... know the tools and knobs, experience will come with time,... and so on, have been given already.

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