Tempo/pitch slider moves only slightly
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Question Tempo/pitch slider moves only slightly

    Hello there,

    I have been searching in Traktor Pro for ages but just cannot find the solution. As of the moment I have been using the "VCI-100SE 2_4 (Tpro 1.2)" TSI file with traktorPro 1.2.2, when I move my tempo/pitch slider on my VCI100 (1.3 firmware), the pitch slider in TraktorPro only moves just a slight bit and not all the way as was previously the case.

    It moves from -3.2% to 3.0% and when loading a new track when in an maximum postion, also does not seem to pick up half way.

    I changed pitch fader range from 8 too 100%, moved pitch bend sensitivity, reloaded my settings once more ... but nothing seems to solve the problem.

    Could someone please help me with this one?
    Many thanks in advance!

    Bye, Michiel.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Found it! (in another post)

    Found the answer to the question after all..... here:


    Thanks. M.

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