Cheap or expensive headphones
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Default Cheap or expensive headphones

    Greetings to all! I am a beginner in the field of DJ and just collect my equipment, I want to get good headphones, but I'm not sure if at the beginning stage I need expensive models, I look Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO and DT 1770 PRO i found their comparison and it says that the difference is not so great, there is a difference in frequencies and distortions, but is it really noticeable for a beginner? What do you advise? take 770 or 1770?

  2. #2
    Newbie Virak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018


    There's really no point in splurging on DT1770S for a DJ enviroment, and the DT-770s are pretty cumbersome if you're not planning on having them on your ears ALL the time. You need functionality for DJ work. Have you considered on-ears headphones? I have the DT-770/80, Custom One Pro, HD-25, RP-DJ1210, HD280 and a ton of other headphones, and IMO the HD-25 is the superior one both in terms of practicality and monitoring your mixing.

  3. #3
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
    Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal

  4. #4
    Tech Mentor
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    May 2011
    Mannheim / Germany


    I would recommend to try different headphones before buying one. How do they feel after wearing them for a couple of hours.
    I recently bought the Pioneer HDJ X5 for 80 bucks and I am very happy with these headphones.

    MacBookPro 11,1 | i5 2,4GHz | 16 GB RAM | 256 GB SSD
    MacOSX 10.15.x | TraktorPro 3.x | VCI-100 SE FW 1.4 | VCI-400 SE (EGE)

  5. #5

    Default I think cheap is the way to go.

    So I used to buy $300 pioneer Headphones. before that it was the $160 sony DJ headphones. They would never seem to last very long. After constantly replacing these headphones at a premium price, I decided to order 6 different brands. I was looking for a cheaper replacement that could work. The price range was from $35 up to $100. I tested them back to back with my expensive headphones. At the end of the day, yes the $300 headphones did sound the best. But my surprise was the Gemini DJX-500 (the cheapest in the list) where arguably the second or 3rd best sounding headphone. It was more then good enough to DJ with. The great thing is that I don't even care when they break because they are so cheap to replace. Unless you are using your headphones to mix & master records in a studio, its just not worth the price to me anymore.

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