I'm using the fighter to map 2 functions with my SSL SIGMA via Cubase 8.8.15
1. ch1-16 volume, this works fine white leds are perfectly in sync with unit.
2. Ch1-16 mutes - this requires 3 clicks to get "in sync"
When I start Cubase the SIGMA is unmuted but the fighter initializes in engaged/mute state (orange leds)
i then need to press each encoder 3x in order to get the mute state "in sync"
1. First press > led on fighter turns green, mute state on sigma does not change
2. 2nd press > led on fighter turns orange and sigma mutes
3. 3rd press > led on fighter turns green and sigma is unmuted

From there, everything works as intended.
How can I get the fighter to initiate like after step?
With any other controller it's a very simple 0 is off and 1 is on, but for some reason the fighter doesn't initiate correctly, any suggestions? I really like the fighter, but if I can't get this to work properly without 48!!!! Button presses before each session, I need to send it back.