A couple of mapping questions for Traktor
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
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    Mar 2010

    Default A couple of mapping questions for Traktor

    Hi, itīs been more then 5 years since I mapped my last controller.

    Iīve just bought a DDJ-SZ and really like the official pioneer tsi for Traktor.

    There is one thing thatīs not there and that I need.

    I want to map a button on my DDJ-SZ to set to Master clock internal, and also Decrease master tempo by a percentage, or steps, and another one to do the same but increasing the master tempo.
    Then Another button to set the Master tempo back to Auto.

    This is because I play styles of music with very different speeds and somtimes I start mixing at 112bpm and keep on mixing tracks until I get to 130bmp, so I need to keep increasing the master tempo every now and again.

    When I try to add in the command I can only see Set master Tempo, or master tempo selector, but not Increase master tempo or decrease.

    I bet Iīm doing to wrong, but I canīt remember how I did this last time with Traktor 1.

    Looking forward to any help or links where this is expained!!

  2. #2
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    In order to map the Inc/Dec buttons you'll have to map "Set Master Tempo" and assign it to a button, then change the interaction mode from Direct to Increase or Decrease. You can enable Auto Repeat if you'd like the button to keep affecting the tempo while being held down and the resolution can be changed as well.

    Master Tempo Selector is used to select what will be considered Traktor's Master tempo source, be it a deck or the clock itself. In this case you'll map it to your button, set the interaction to Direct and the value to Clock.

    Auto master mode is pretty self explanatory, set the interaction to Direct and value to 1 if you want it to enable this every time you press it.

    It's worth noting that you could economise and switch between Auto and Master Clock by using a single button by applying modifier states.

  3. #3
    Tech Convert
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    Mar 2010


    Thanks a lot for your answer, I was really stuck and helped me a lot!

    What Iīm trying to do now is only use one button to decrease the tempo and another one to increase, but I canīt get it to work.
    When I try it on two buttons holding both down at the same time it does work.

    This is what Iīve mapped:

    Auto Master Mode - Hold - Invert
    Set Master Tempo - Decrease - Auto repeat
    Master Tempo Selector - Hold - Clock

    Iīve tried all sorts of ways, but when I use these on one button the Auto Light in Master Clock in Traktor turns off, but Master in master clock doesnīt light up as the master in the deck that was master before is still highlighted.
    If i put Auto Master Mode - Hold - Invert on one button and Master Tempo Selector - Hold - Clock on another button and press both at the same time it works ok.
    If I put both on one button and while I press it I click with the mouse on Master inside master clock it also works.

    Been trying to get this to work all day now and Iīm just stuck

    Any help will be well appreciated!!!!
    Last edited by Miles Hi; 01-28-2016 at 03:45 PM.

  4. #4
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Miles Hi View Post
    Set Master Tempo - Decrease - Auto repeat
    Looks alright. Do you have some modifiers involved maybe?
    Please attach your TSI to the reply - use big export button. There might be some duplicates in the mapping that could lead to this kind of issues.

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