Mac-generated Mapping not working correctly on Windows
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Question Mac-generated Mapping not working correctly on Windows


    I recently finished my Xone K2 Mapping on my main MacBook Pro where everything's working as suspected.

    For testing I imported this mapping on my second computer which has Windows 7 64 Bit with Xone K2 drivers installed on it.

    Well, it's not working as it's meant to be. Main functions like Play, Cue etc. are working correctly, but modifier changes or send monitor state commands are absolutely freaking out on Windows.

    An example:

    I mapped a shift-button to toggle Layer 2 where other functions are set. On this layer there are also set different LED-colors which I use the "send monitor state" function for. When I switch back to Layer 1, send monitor state kicks in and changes the LED-colors etc.

    No problems with this on my Mac.

    On windows this is absolutelly not working. The LEDs don't do what they should and are showing values with no sense.

    Where could the problem be located? Are TSI-files incompatible between Mac and Windows or am I doing anything wrong?

    If you would like to look into the mapping, see the attached file.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    There are no compatibility restrictions between different OS or platforms. I'd bet that's a K2 issuing there... I don't pack this unit but I have seen many people have struggling with output control with Traktor.

    Did you try simple re-mapping those critical commands?

  3. #3
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    I couldn't locate the problem so I tried Traktor within an newly set up Virtual Machine with Windows 7 32 Bit on it. On the virtual Windows there are no issues. Anything must be wrong with the main Windows-Installation or the 64 Bit system.

    But I now know that my mapping isn't the problem and I will leave it this way because the Windows system was only for testing reasons with a demo version of Traktor. This problem also shows me, that I really really love my Mac where everything is function absolutely flawless from the beginning...

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