Hi all - Im new so before i ask for help id like to just introduce myself and say Hello to everyone on here.

So ive been Been DJ'ing and making music for the last 10 years within Hardcore & Bounce House via Vinyl & Fruity Loops

i have constantly tried to stay away from the digital side - though as vinyl is coming back in, im sadly moving out of it. I did this by purchasing a Traktor Z1 to work alongside my x1 in which purchased at the same time - i basically used the Z1 but rarely touched the X1 as what i wanted to do was all i need in the z1 plus i didnt really look into what the X1 did?

so after playing a few gigs with the z1 i chose to sell up & by the S2 MK1 - Man what a piece of kit this is

in the meantime i then had an S2 mk1 & X1 Mk1 - sadly i still had no idea what this did until i played about with it. Then i understood

But the thing is - how do i map this

in the meantime i was contemplating as to whether to purchase a Maschine Mikro MK2 or a traktor F1 on ebay

i had seen this guy selling an F1 brand new sealed and he put a best offer on it? i offered £100.00 for a £179.00 and it took a while to accept - so i assumed he didnt want to sell it

at that point i watched a few Maschine Videos and i wanted it, as a producer i wanted in... so i bought this on ebay brand new, in the meantime this guy accepted my offer of 100.00 for the F1 so i commited to buy for that price

so heres my dilemma guys

i want help mapping my devices to my traktor Pro 2

id like to Map 3 things or advice or better still Help....

Map traktor s2 With my X1 & F1

Map my maschine with the X1 & S2

Or map my MY S2 with just the maschine as a sampler

is there anything anyone could do to help. i really would like some guidance, im just hoping this community could help me - or make me understand how easy it is to do

Thanks in Advance
