Hi everyone!

I want to use Touch OSC with Traktor. I already make a own layout and load into my android phone.
I used the TouchOSC Bridge to connect PC and Phone, and so far I can control Traktor with the TouchOSC and the reverse (Traktor to TouchOSC). It's simple!

But now I want to use 2 Android devices (2 Phones, or 1 Tablet and 1 Phone), so I cant make it trough TouchOSC Bridge because it's need 2 'Bridges'!
One way to connect the 2 devices, is with Pure Data, but there I can only control Traktor with the phone, the reverse doesn't work.
I used the touchosc2pd to convert the layout into Pure Data, and I have analyzed the 'code' and I think that is only have the configuration to receive data from Phone. I have no ideia how to add the 'send' configuration on Pure Data.

Anyone already try this? How?

Or exist another solution to configure 2 devices with TouchOSC?
