How do i map the midi fighter classic on Virtual DJ?
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  1. #1
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default How do i map the midi fighter classic on Virtual DJ?

    Hey guys i feel really stupid right now because for some reason when i try and map my midi fighter classic on Virtual Dj PRO 7 it doesn't recognize the bottons when i hold them down. I feel like their is something small that im missing. I've looked up videos on how to map but nothing seems to be working. if some one would post what they did to map their's i would be extremely awesome of them! And the help would be much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Tech Guru synthet1c's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    you need to make a definition file to get vdj to recognise the device, so you can map the leds, and I think with the midi fighter it won't get recognised in simple midi unti that happens... probably because of the firmware. I have a fairly comprehensive 4 banks mapper in the below thread, if you don't like the mapping there is a definition file you can use to get the midi fighter recognised.

    Interested to hear how it works and if there are any issues, go to my last post for the best one. bare in mind this is the free version that uses only vst's, I am working on a fully featured one that will be uploaded only on the virtual dj forum for registered pro users to download.

    Also if you know of any loop roll vst's let me know so I can finish the free mapping.
    Last edited by synthet1c; 02-27-2012 at 11:49 PM.
    Why did the elephant get lost... Cause the Jungle is MASSIVE!

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