The improvised DJ/production desk thread
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  1. #1
    RGAS Guru Xonetacular's Avatar
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    Default The improvised DJ/production desk thread

    Update July 2012

    Now that we can edit posts regardless of how old they are I thought I would post a few updates here for people looking to build one of these and compile some past posts since I get PMs about it every one in a while. Please read through this thread and post any questions in here before PMing me, I will see your post I promise. I will be happy to answer any questions in this thread and if you plan to do it differently then it's best to plan it out carefully but my build works very well and is very sturdy.

    This is a pretty easy DIY project but you will need some basic skills and tools and be able to figure some things out on your own- if you need a list of every single screw and washer I used and step by step instructions this project is probably not for you.

    Here is the full parts list I used in my build- all parts are picked out specifically for the dual expedit configuration I used so keep that in mind if you are going to modify it you need to check if it will work:

    Two 2x8 expedits: $140
    3 lillangen leg frames $25 each for $75 (must be this exact model for the correct width of two expedits:
    4 godmorgon legs: $8 each for $32 total
    You may be able to get away with two depending on what you use for a monitor stand to mount on top, but the second set is to get another mounting bracket/screw to make a straight stand that you can bolt and screw a piece of plywood into
    you will need top plates for the monitor stand, I had two spare ones from some floor monitor stands I just screwed in. You could screw into a shelf (preferably not the cheap hollow lack) or just a piece of wood from lowes spray painted might be easier and what I would do if I didn't have the metal plates. These are the metal plates I used from these stands:

    Optional: 3x dioder light kits $120. You can use fewer depending on how you want to light it

    2x capita brackets $15

    From lowes/home depot: you can get nice 1/2"x12" by however long wood you want your shelf and they can cut it to the length of the shelf and you can spray paint or stain it. This is better than using an ikea shelf since you need to screw into it. You can use this for monitor stands too.

    You will need two long metric bolts and large washers for the capita brackets. These are the exact bolts I used from Lowes:
    M10-1.50 x 75

    You will then need some long thin bolts to bolt the godmorgon legs through the expedit with some fat 1" diameter washers for each bolt. I had to enlarge each hole on the bracket slightly. Don't try to screw these in they need to be bolted through with big washers. I forget the exact bolts I used but go to the store and shop around a bit and look through the pictures in here.

    Then you will just need misc screws to secure the leg frame and some drill bits and such. you will also want some brackets to secure the expedits together (again, look at the pictures)

    Also the headphone hooks from Ikea which are awesome:

    Here are some pictures I took a couple months ago from when I rearranged my apartment and moved the booth which gives you some more details on how it was put together since I didn't take as many pics as I could have when I put it together (it also held up perfectly fine moving it by myself sliding it on it's side on the floor and then turning it back upright from on it's side with all the weight on the legs, though it was a pain in the ass doing it alone).

    I drilled a bunch of extra holes in the leg frames to mount it better just to make sure they are sturdy, it is easy to drill though and I don't think there are enough holes if you just use the stock ones.

    Here are some more posts in this thread with more in progress pictures (keep in mind some of the stuff like the lack shelves didn't get used in the final design):

    Original Post:
    I saw a couple ideas for things hacked together from ikea parts but I don't really have a table saw or tools at my new place so I want something with minimal cutting.

    Basically I need to fit two technics, s4 in flight case, mpk49, ipad, maybe an apc40, maschine, and 2 x1's (though some of those can stay stored away) and maybe some storage space for vinyl underneath but I have other spots for that too. I have monitor stands made of pipe I can bolt onto whatever I do.

    So I would love to see some idea.
    Last edited by Xonetacular; 07-04-2012 at 01:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Tech Guru TommyQuiet's Avatar
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    i used parts from ikea for my desk did not need to cut or saw anything,will get a pick up if i can.

  3. #3
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    a door on top of cinder blocks...
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  4. #4
    Über Tech Guru Ed Paris's Avatar
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    i own an old secretary desk from the stasi (secret police in the gdr). you can elevate the middle section of it (there was typewriter under the plate that you could elevate so the upper plate goes up and this is where my mixer is) . pretty comfy, no back pain and some history furniture
    I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

  5. #5
    DJTT Ninja Mod tekki's Avatar
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    No way! That's awesome earl! *bows down*
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  6. #6
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    I've got an Ikea table top on top of an Ikea expedit shelf.
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  7. #7
    Tech Guru
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    I hacked together mine using 2 cerwin vega 12 inchers. Put an old door on top and then put the speakers facing out where my primary desk is - idea being I can be sitting or standing behind the desk and hear music clearly. Oh and my cousin built me a small piece of wood that raises the DJ gear and puts it at a slight angle.

    It's a tad bit ghetto but it works for me!

  8. #8
    Tech Guru Quenepas's Avatar
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    Here in PR we dont have Ikea or anything similar by that matter to hack so you are pretty much stuck to DIY and tailor for your needs.

    I designed my dj table on google Sketch Up and built from scratch. It was designed to be built from a single 8' x 6' wood 1/2" panel, a single box of bolts and one quart of black paint to save on materials. Total cost around $30. I have incorporated some more shelves and minor alterations to meet current needs but overall is just right what I need.

    Sold the PC inside the table as well as the Electribe and got another laptop put where the electribe was to control visualizations behind the table. Got rid of the CD's and the Domo for a more neat look. Thinking about sealing the border around the monitor and put the books elsewhere...

    Anyhow, DIY is almost always the way to go or at the very least a strong alternative in almost everything you need. Theres a website called that I visit quit regulary even if I dont have Ikea on the island.

    Erase. Stop. Start.

  9. #9
    RGAS Guru Xonetacular's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by photojojo View Post
    I've got an Ikea table top on top of an Ikea expedit shelf.
    The 2x4 cube one sideways? How is the height that looks like it could be a little low.

    Can you guys post some pics?

  10. #10
    Tech Guru
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    Here is the DJ area of my Ghetto setup:

    And the desk area where I do my dayjob:

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