Hey guys

The instant gratification mapping looks absolutely sick! I'm hoping there is an easy way I can apply it to my MPD24. I read the article and comments on how to map it yourself but I'm kind of a newb when it comes to this sort of thing. In other words, it was waaaay over my head.

I thought of downloading the mapping, importing it, figuring out which button on the Midi Fighter sends which signal, hitting learn and then re-mapping it to the appropriate button on my MPD. If you know what you're doing when it comes to this sort of thing, you already know that that didn't work.

I'm open to new ideas and any other creative solutions and I'm also doing my best to try and comprehend the advance aspects of midi mapping so that I wont need to rely on others for help.

If there is any kind soul out there that has, or can do most of the leg work, and is willing to share it, I'm sure I speak for many DJTT-ers when I say we'd be GREATLY appreciative.

Thanks in advance for all your help!
