Is it possible to map Traktor fx post fader / insert state to LED out?
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor decon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Is it possible to map Traktor fx post fader / insert state to LED out?


    I'm working on a Midi Fighter Classic mapping to go with my Kontrol S4 Mk1. I've mapped two different midi notes as button and set them to direct. One button set the routing selector to post fader and the other to insert. This is set up for each fx unity (running 2 fx units). I want the Midi Fighter LED to light in condition to what fx routing is selected, but I can't find anything related to fx routing in the midi out modifier state selections

    I am missing something, or is there some hack to make this work? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    If I understand this properly, then you'd want the buttons to set a modifier that would determine which LED output to display.

    So for example, Button #1 sets the routing selector to Insert, but also sets modifier #8 to 1. Button #2 sets the routing selector to post-fader, and modifier #8 to 2.

    Then for the Insert outs, you'd go to Add Out > Mixer > Meters > Deck Pre-Fader Level to set up however many lights will work, but you'd want to set the modifier conditions to M8 -1. The same thing for the Post Fader outs, except you'd choose Deck Post-Fader Level and set the modifier conditions to M8 - 2. Then, of course, in each of those outs, you can assign the target deck for whichever deck the FX units are assigned to.

  3. #3
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    To start with , set three 'Routing Selector" outputs and assign different min-max value to properly display each range when active.

    0-0 Send
    1-1 Insert
    2-2 Post
    Invert no
    Blend no

    Figure what value stands for the button state you assign to and type it at the 'min' and 'max' range and map to corresponding LED button.
    Then you should see the change in button display even when selecting route from the FX menu.

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