Hey everyone,

I dont get my own midi fighter mappings to work in traktor
I watched every tutorial and introductions but nothing works

Im using:

- Midi Fighter 3D + Midifighter Utility 2.4
- Windows 7
- Traktor Scratch Pro 2.6.5 Demo (at the moment)

if I use the standard firmware in traktor mode nothing happens doesn't matter what I try

if I use the Remix Decks firmware I can just use the buttons like page up shift reverse and the buttons to start the clips, but if I try to make my own maps nothing happens.

when I go to preferences -> controller manager traktor finds my midi fighter in the inport und outport section but when add in any control and try to use the LEARN button nothing changes.

also if I try to use maps from other members with their introduction to use them nothing happens

Im trying to fix this problem for the last 3 day but I don't know what I should try next. Has anyone an idea?

