LPD 8 - MF like one button efx
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
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    Jun 2010

    Default LPD 8 - MF like one button efx

    hey, search wont work for me for some reason and after checking the last 10 pages I cant find anything like what I'm looking for / want to do.

    I'd like to copy some of the one button EFX from the Midifighter or Dicer mapping and use them on my LPD 8, which i bought today. As far as I understand I have a lot of buttons avaiable as you have 4 programs with different midi notes each, and per program 3 modes for the pads, right?

    So how do I map this quickly? Is my only option to look at the .tsi from the MF/Dicer and copy their settings within the traktor editor?

    If anyone has done something like this please let me know, I'll upload the tsi when I'm done but will take a while as i have exams and I'm new to mapping

    edit: ehm how can I view the TSi in a understandable format? I'd like to see what values are used per effect...or do I have to watch the vid carefully and guess? :/
    Last edited by Ashigari; 01-06-2011 at 01:27 PM.

  2. #2
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    You can load the tsi into Traktor and view it in there. As far as copying the settings you'll have to find those settings and just copy them. Here's a pretty good video on mapping several commands to a single knob that can mostly carry over to buttons. You can use it to kind of understand how the mappings work in general.

    Chris Jennings FHP

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  3. #3
    Tech Mentor
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    yeah I was gonna map that effect as well, thanks for the info about loading it into traktor to view it.

  4. #4
    Tech Mentor
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    ok i stubled upon a small problem:
    I mapped that sweep effect from armyofme (awesome vid btw) and now if I switch to CC from PAD I can activate the effect with a button as well as the knob...depending on hard I hit the button i get different wet/dry amounts etc

    I'm sure that can be changed somehow but the manual supplied isnt very helpful So how do I change the MIDI notes from the CC option to something different than what the knobs send out?

  5. #5
    Tech Wizard MrBlenderson's Avatar
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    Does the LPD8 have a full-on setting? On most pad controllers there is a device setting that will either let the pads be velocity-sensitive or always full-value.
    If you turn velocity sensitivity off the pads will always send the same values.

  6. #6
    Tech Mentor
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    that's not really the problem though, the problem is it sends the same notes as the knobs. which means i basically lose the buttons in the CC setting :/

  7. #7
    Tech Mentor
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    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashigari View Post
    As far as I understand I have a lot of buttons avaiable as you have 4 programs with different midi notes each, and per program 3 modes for the pads, right?
    anybody cmiiw, but I believe you only can use 2 modes per program in traktor (because traktor doesn't understand "program change" midi messages).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashigari View Post
    the problem is it sends the same notes as the knobs. which means i basically lose the buttons in the CC setting :/
    You can easily fix this by opening the controller editor software and changing the message numbers sent. To that end, use the software from the CD-ROM included with you LPD8 (or download it from here).
    Last edited by itskindahot; 01-08-2011 at 11:14 AM. Reason: minor changes to make it clearer

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