Am I crazy or does...
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
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    Dec 2008

    Default Am I crazy or does...

    Does anyone else wish someone would make a midi controller that has 4 Jog wheels?

    All these controllers with 4 channel Faders and no one has thought of actually making a Midi controller that has 4 physical Jogs...1 for each channel (4 Jogs in all)

    I dunno, I sit at home making these brilliant and seemingly easy to use multi layer layouts (TSI's) for TP, and its all great until I get to the club and realize its just too much damn thinking for all thats going on while im working in front of hundreds of people.

    I have been sitting here for weeks trying to come up with a solution and all I can come up with is piecing it together with mutable controllers which doesnt work because of size limitations in the booths I work...

    Maybe im old school....or slightly retarded...or maybe I just get tired of having to think of the extra step I have to take when implementing "on the fly" idea's.....particularly with Deck's C&D Hot Cues, loops and acapella trickery.

    Anything with layers bleeds into my ability to implement ideas natrually and interfere's with my creative flow....Am I the only one who experiences this?

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor
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    Nov 2009


    I have Xone 1ds and the way I have it is that the bottom and top buttons of the jogwheels (the phsycial push) are hold modifiers. Then all the jog wheels functions and the 8 bottons above htem becaome releveant to deck A or Deck B, Jog button UP push, jog button down push. and same for CD this makes it super easy to use as if you had four.

    A cheap solution would be a pair of EKS XP5s problem solved

  3. #3
    DJTT Super Moderator midifidler's Avatar
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    What would you be using the extra jogs for except for scrubbing through the track?

  4. #4
    Tech Wizard athtsak's Avatar
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    I agree with that idea,

    The jog wheels don`t need to be big like on the vci,take a look at the jogs on the numark omni,if you can put 2 smaller jogs side by side or even put 4 rotary pot or something.

    Granted it will be a tight fit ,you might have to move the line faders closer and so on and even make the jogs removable for transport but at least you have 4 jogs to use

    Don`t know how to do it but i`am sure there`s a way.
    "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you just might miss it..."
    Tools:MBP 13", NI Kontrol 1,Novation twitch, Tractor Pro 2, LPD8, KRK 5's & 10" sub, AudioTechnica ATH-M40fs, Logic Express 9 and a Cactus!

  5. #5
    Tech Mentor
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    Quote Originally Posted by midifidler View Post
    What would you be using the extra jogs for except for scrubbing through the track?
    Yes and no....scubbing is like 3 percent of what I use the Jog for, More importantly its for manual manipulation of just about every other tool I use in Traktor. Its not possible to quickly manipulate anything without a Jog IMO.

    Sure I can go in and pre-grid hot cues and cue points, but then im stuck with that, and without a Jog I really cant do anything on the fly except play the stuff I already did prior.

    Im all about the creative flow that happens in a live enviormant and the ability to empliment "sudden" ideas with ease.

    The more layers I create (taking up space in my brain & on my cotroller)....the more I seem to feel trapped creatively. I would find it refreshing to have 4 physical Jogs (and controls) for a 4 deck setup.

    Call me crazy (most do anyways).....

  6. #6
    Tech Student
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    Quote Originally Posted by thictool View Post
    Yes and no....scubbing is like 3 percent of what I use the Jog for, More importantly its for manual manipulation of just about every other tool I use in Traktor. Its not possible to quickly manipulate anything without a Jog IMO.

    Sure I can go in and pre-grid hot cues and cue points, but then im stuck with that, and without a Jog I really cant do anything on the fly except play the stuff I already did prior.

    Im all about the creative flow that happens in a live enviormant and the ability to empliment "sudden" ideas with ease.

    The more layers I create (taking up space in my brain & on my cotroller)....the more I seem to feel trapped creatively. I would find it refreshing to have 4 physical Jogs (and controls) for a 4 deck setup.

    Call me crazy (most do anyways).....
    I totally agree.
    Track manipulation is my thing.
    Although I wouldn't really use 4 jogs I don't think..

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