Possible modifier concept? Maybe?
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  1. #1

    Default Possible modifier concept? Maybe?

    Okay i have this idea that im wondering if it will work in Traktor or not. Here goes.

    So first question can you make an "inc" or "dec" mode modifier stop at a certain number? For example is there a way to make Mod 1 go from 0-3 but stop at 3 if you were to hold that (modifier) button down, and then once that final mod state was triggered a separate action would be performed on whatever button is being used just like a normal hold or toggle shift, but more time dependent.

    It would be a different kind of shift mode possibly. Like a 3 or 4 count shift mode is what i was thinking. Not sure if its already out there, but i was thinking this would be something cool to learn since im getting the hang of using modifiers. Could be useful for switching pages on a layout or possibly automating effects triggers. This is all theoretical, just spewing ideas that could be out there already. Some feedback or insight on this would be awesome guys! Thank you

  2. #2
    Tech Guru Patch's Avatar
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    I *think* you'd have to use dir instead of inc/dec, and set a direct state for each (0, 1, 2), then a HOLD type modifier fo (3). On release, the (3) would go back to 0, and the cycle would start again...

    Actually, I think you'd set 1 & 2 to inc, and just set 3 as hold type, going back to 0 on release.

    I'm sure it's possible - but it's just outside of my realm of understanding. There's one guy that will definitely know.........
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  3. #3


    Ive thought about doing that. But i couldnt figure out how to get it to stay at 3 and not go any higher while being held. I also was hoping it could be mapped so a second press and hold would count back down and return whatever the modifier was controlling back to normal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patch View Post
    Actually, I think you'd set 1 & 2 to inc, and just set 3 as hold type, going back to 0 on release.

  4. #4
    Tech Mentor
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    Do you mean you want a modifier to increment from 0 to 3 with each press (0,1,2,3,3,3...) then stick at 3?

    This can be done with the following:
    Button Push - Modifier Inc
    Button Push - If Modifier = 4 Dec (or direct to 3) with Invert Ticked (on release)

    This will then increase the value of the modifier by 1 with each push, then when it reaches 4 (on push) it will go back to 3 when released. Creating a stop.

    A similar technique can be used to create a loop so that when it reaches the upper value it goes back to 0 (rather than 3), this requires the use of Direct to 0 on release (Invert ticked) if modifier = 4 (for the example above).

    Hope that helps.

  5. #5


    Yeah just like that but by holding the button instead of multiple presses, like an auto repeat on a modifier. Im gonna mess around with that and if i can figure something out. After all its in the name of science. Trial and error right?

  6. #6
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    M1 - Inc (M1=0)
    M1 - Inc (M1=1)
    M1 - Inc (M1=2)
    M1=3 direct mode (M1=3)

  7. #7
    Tech Mentor
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    Ok. you could try:

    Button push - Inc Modifier (auto repeat)
    Button Push - If Modifier = 3, direct to 3 or 0. (Or If modifier = 4 Dec)

  8. #8
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Inc modifier needs to have it's conditional - otherwise the state would pass value 3... but, it also depends of Note ON velocity being sent from controller.

  9. #9
    Tech Mentor
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    This works on my set up:

    M1 - Inc (Auto repeat)
    M1 - Dec (M1=4)
    M1 - Direct to 3 If M1 = 3

    I'm intrigued by what do you plan on using this for though?

  10. #10


    Mainly just to mess around with modifiers. But I was thinking on toggling pages with it. Or changing the encoders from EQ to loop control maybe. A single button toggle works great but this would a more deliberate action I guess. I thought it might work well on my drum pads for effects like the beatmasher, gater or filter LFO or even Turntable FX. That modifier loop trick might work better for that though.

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