Antifmradio's (Dj Liqid Touch) Traktor Setup + some unconventional equip
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  1. #1
    Tech Guru antifmradio's Avatar
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    Default Antifmradio's (Dj Liqid Touch) Traktor Setup + some unconventional equip

    Man i have a lot going on in here. No wonder my Electric bill was HUGE before i started unplugging things hahah!!!
    Well all i can say is a house party is REALLY nice at my place when i invite the djs from the radio station over.
    Now its just (Hey dude, just bring your external and plug in)

    Ok now, lets see whats going on here and i be happy to answer any replies you all may have about some of the equipment. Because some of it is a bit unconventional

    Lets start with the TOP MOUNTED stuff:

    Pioneer EFX 500
    Alesis Air Efx
    Traktor Kontrol F1
    Traktor S4

    On the far left of that pic you can see a MACHIE DFX-6, 6 channel mixer i use for add't mics or other studio equip when needed.

    Ok next up. The RACK.. front side (This is what the S4 is mounted on top of to give it that ANGLE toward me)

    Lets see here. Going from TOP to botton we have:

    The PreSonus "TubePre" to power the Condenser Mic i like to use "MXL 2001"
    Stanton "NEXT" NCD-7000 Dual CD Player
    Denon DN-D4500 Dual CD Player
    (Yellow module) ELCTRIX EQ Killer
    (Green Module) Electrix Filter Queen
    DOD 430Qx Dual 15band Stereo Equalizer
    BDX 266XL Compressor / Gate
    (and on the bottom) ---- TASCAM CD-RW 700 hard disc CD recorder ( i use this to help clean up any digital sound / filtering) Also i can use this to create CDs on the fly while recording a live set.

    All the sound is wired in order as you see it.
    Traktor > Alesis Air EFX > EFX500 > EQ Killer, and then down the line where it finally hits a Desktop built for this stuff.

    You cant see the laptop on the left side of the desk
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  2. #2
    Tech Mentor JesusJuice's Avatar
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    you got alot going on

  3. #3
    Tech Wizard
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    Cool setup!

  4. #4


    How are you liking the eq killer and filter queen combo?? am thinking of getting one of these!!!
    MBP 13' 256 SSD 8Gb RAM. Traktor Scratch Pro 2.6.8 | MF Classic | NI Audio 2 | NI Audio 10 | CDJ1000MK3 (2) | Technics 1200MKII (4) | A&H Xone 92 (UK) | NI Kontrol F1 | Ipad 4 | Korg Kaoss Pad Mini | Ableton Live Suite.

  5. #5
    Tech Guru antifmradio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrAybar View Post
    How are you liking the eq killer and filter queen combo?? am thinking of getting one of these!!!
    Crazy Hot. i dont use the Queen that much. I honestly should just get rid of it.

    I use the Killer to help balance the eq unit below it. awesome!
    But honestly if you can find these units, and you want them GET THEM because as far as i remember
    Electrix was bought out over 10 years ago, and stopped making them

    there is a TON of stuff made by this company, that is considered COLLECTORS items.
    Im not talking about their new stuff, including the midi mixer / controller
    i mean the old stuff from say 1999 - 2005

    You want the Queen?

  6. #6
    Tech Guru antifmradio's Avatar
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    so to let everyone know
    the Pioneer EFX Unit in the pic at the top has been stolen.

    Its very distinct as the center knob at the bottom from is pretty loose.

    Also there is a TRAKTOR sticker on the right Jog Wheel
    and on the left side of the unit, there is a sticker with the logo of "T2" in a black circle

    i know who took it but with a restraining order in place i cant look at her online profiles to see any of her friends profiles incase one of THEM has it

  7. #7
    Tech Guru antifmradio's Avatar
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    sorry. Also theres that UDG sticker on the front

    all 3 stickers have been there so long itll be dam near impossible to pull them off without leaving something behind

  8. #8
    Tech Guru antifmradio's Avatar
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    i just found out that the S4 in the picture, doesnt work either
    and the job wheels were just sitting there. They are actully broken off and were placed back on to look like its all intact

  9. #9
    Tech Guru Kwal's Avatar
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    wtf happened??????

  10. #10
    Tech Guru antifmradio's Avatar
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    went through a divorce
    during the time the court stuff was in process my WIFE was acting like aa fucking LOONEY so i stayed out of the house with family

    Then all of a sudden while im staying away she files a restraining order against me
    I was told i can not enter the property ( i own the fucking house )

    Then divorce finally wrapped up but the outline of the divorce (in not so much detail was )
    1) she cant touch my things....... here is a list of items NOT to be touched, removed, etc
    2) she has to move out of the house on the date of "X" and take all her things
    3) if she leaves anything behind it becomes mine

    Well on "X" date i got back into the house and the restraining order was lifted.
    But when i got here,
    most if not all my equipment was damaged
    some items have SAND inside them
    a couple items are missing (either destroyed and thrown away in pieces or taken or sold)

    Not to mention a couple of appliances and some tools (contractor grade) are gone like wrenches, table saw, air compressor.......

    This girl is now almost $10 in damages with me

    I found out after posting this message that also my Kontrol S4 is broken too.
    At this point i have NO USABLE dj equipment and no money to replace it.
    Even if it were insured, they wouldnt cover it because theres no way to tell if she destroyed it BEFORE or AFTER the divorce.
    Either way she was allowed to be on the property with the equipment when it was broken

    aint that a bitch

    The Pioneer EFX 500 is missing

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